As you see from my profile i am a stuffed toy living with a couple of SOGs and have been given the job to blog about their travels with a Range Rover.
In the last three months we have travelled from UK through France Belgium Germany Lituania Latvia Russia and currently in Kazakhstan and still going.
If you are really unlucky I will give you my blog site adress.
Presumably the SOG's are pulling the Range Rover behind them as no LR product keeps running for that long.
Presumably the SOG's are pulling the Range Rover behind them as no LR product keeps running for that long.

keith , ever the pessamist then keith ?????????? ha ha ha ,,thanks for chat yesterday ,will pm you when ive done the eas test cheers mozz
I didn't know they has internet access in lunatic asylums these days

Benny, is this you?

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Benny I've seen some stupid posts this year but yours is right up there with Fur Trappers ****e, my question to you is simple……….are you mentally unstable ?

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