
Active Member
I was on the way home from shopping when the Disco started to make a sound like a trapped budgie, followed by violent shuddering when I accelerated. The shuddering can also be felt slightly when engine breaking. Its in all gears but only over a certain rev range, if I keep accelerating the shuddering eventually stops, until I change gear.

I checked the rear doughnut and it is in one piece, not sure what to check next.

Any ideas?
I have no idea what a trapped budgie sounds like but I am sure someone who has heard one will come along soon and help you set it free.
My dash cam caught the noise:

After googling and chatting with Dad, I think the universal joints on the prop shaft are, well, err, shafted?
This would obviously depend upon exactly where the aforementioned budgerigar is trapped; after all a budgie stuck up a chimney is going to sound totally different to one stuck inside a cardboard box.
It would seem it is trapped in a tin box i.e. a Disco; so it will sound different again.
Sorry Ecotac, been listening to it but can't identify it.
I've ordered the bearings. Job doesn't look too difficult. I've been searching the how to's and seen it mentioned that you can remove the front prop shaft and still drive the disco with the diff lock on. Whilst I wait for the bits, would I be OK to drive about 4 miles a day like this?
Many wodo but i leave prop on until parts arrive.the uj is shot so few days shouldnt do any major damage to it y they arrive then when parts arrive whip it off change it
Have you checked your wheel bearings at all four corners, an inner race seizing onto the stub spindle can also make that chirping sound, and could cause a vibe.
A bearing in that kind of state would also affect the braking and wheel would be at an angle
A bearing in that kind of state would also affect the braking and wheel would be at an angle
Not so, in my experience I have had a front LH bearing lock up on our old RRC and the inner race start to rotate on the stub until it started to squeal/chirp and finally start to friction weld itself, (bearing inner race to stub), creating a shudder through the steering and whole car, certainly did not effect braking, matter of fact the vehicle stopped pretty quick at the end, and the only "show" of a problem visibly before dismantling was the offending hub was very hot.
Certainly may not be OP's problem in his case but the possibility exists.
I drove my d1 like that for three years, ie front shaft off, never missed it.

Only problem I had was she was harder on rear shaft donuts
Well, bearings on front prop have plenty of play. Unfortunately when I went to undo the bolts I've pulled my chest again. Looks like I'll be phoning a mobile mechanic.
17 months after my pickup was written off and I'm still can't do simple jobs without suffering. That stupid old drunken git should have got more than a slap on the wrist. Sorry rant over.

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