see my avatar <<<<<< .. as you probably can see i know little about Land Rovers, ACTUALLY I KNOW A DAMN SIGHT MORE NOW THAN I DID LAST AUGUST, the vehicle was checked over by the Landy Owners club and we came to the conclusion it was indeed a chopped down chassis from a 110..

That is a very interesting and unusual machine, someone has obviously gone to quite a bit of trouble to make that.
Hard to say without detailed inspection, but like the others I would guess disco chassis with modded One Ten body. If all the work is to a good standard I dont see any reason it will fail the Vosa inspection.

Best of luck with that, and would be interested to hear what it is if you ever find out.
What's the dash like? Just wondering if you've got some Series 3 in it too
the dash.. funny you should ask that, here you go take a look, it's a work in progress and i'm responsible for bits of this but the general background of the dash is how i got it.................... one piece of sheet metal bent to shape covered in rubberised chequer plate , im patching it up with decent gauges and switches

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