Cleaning up & repainting the transmission tunnel on my 109 and can’t read label attached to it as painted over previously, my question is what it says and any idea if I can get a replacement label?
Could it be this one?.....

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as it is currently un-readable anyway give the current one a quick and gentle blow over with a blow torch and wipe down with white spirit and repeat. if you are careful you may be able to remove enough of the paint that it is visable without damaging the writing underneath.
So 12 people have paid £15 and 18 have paid £10 for the same thing. Pays to shop around. Just clean it with white spriit and no wire wool!
I dont thinks the text is painted on so use some rubbish paint stripper and it may clean it up. TBH most paint stripper is rubbish now, the B&Q suff I used the other day dook ages to remove the paint and only did 1 layer at a time. Not like Nitromorse that stuff was great it would clean your lungs out with the vapours and remove flesh down to the bone, not anymore though that is rubbidh now as well

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