
New Member
I have a 1995 90 tdi. Completely standard a little rusty in places which I can live with to repair as and when I get time but there is a noise which is really getting at me.

I have tried searching the threads but no cure has popped up in front of me for my issue. Sorry if this has already been covered.

There seems to be a metallic rattle which can only be described as a ting ting ting type of rattle as if two small pieces of metal are rattling against each other. It seems to only be under acceleration or it could be being drowned out by engine noise when up to speed. It seems to disappear when I put my foot on the clutch and it's more noticeable in 1st and 2nd gear at low speed acceleration. I have checked brake pads, loose exhaust mountings and had a go at the UJs but they all seem solid and I can't get any movement out of it. The prop has some slack in it probably about an 1/8th of a turn. Not sure if this should be there though as the rear one has no play. Anyway this rattle is the big issue can anyone help??
Have a look at the front face of the alternator to see if you have a bearing failure allowing the fan (alternator pulley fan) to touch the body. You'll see shiny metal if that's the problem.
The alternator is new so I know it is not that.

It was with handbrake on. Excuse my lack of knowledge this is my first 90 and I'm still learning the mechanics of it all.

Going back to the noise. After investigatin today while driving. It is definitely while moving in gear. I can knock it to neutral while moving and the rattle goes away. It is more noticeable after the initial gear change after getting back on the throttle. The noise is only there when moving not when stationary.

Possibilities crossing my mind, gearbox? Clutch? Or could it still be UJ's. I have no idea?
Rear prop needs to rotate to check ujs etc properly, the handbrake is on the rear transmission and when applied prevents proper inspection and lateral movement attempts
Could it be your clutch Friction Plate springs? that was/ is the trace of my rattle...even after a clutch change!
Have suspected that but a lot that i have read mention that they would rattle in neutral. Whereas mine only rattles when moving in gear with foot on throttle.
Hi Chris,
sounds very similar to mine,
only happens when driving, worse when under load, worse when in too high a gear and labouring?
I presume you have a 300tdi, has it had the cat removed, my mate thinks it may be because of the rigid exhaust, thinking of putting a flex in to see if this helps.
Be interseting to hear any theories out there.
Fitting the de cat pipe means a solid system
The cat down pipe also has a flex in it
When labouring or as stated too high a gear per speed you get the drone
Mine does it but I'm gonna fit a flex at some point
Just to be sure double check all them ujs try lifting the prop at each end by hand and twist look closely for any play
Look for play/lift at transfer box output flanges
Fitting the de cat pipe means a solid system
The cat down pipe also has a flex in it
When labouring or as stated too high a gear per speed you get the drone
Mine does it but I'm gonna fit a flex at some point
Nice one,
you seen any suppliers of the down pipe with a flex in or do you get a generic flex and make it fit.
thanks for the advice, i tried making a recording of the sound. clear as day on my mobile, transfer it to computer cant hear it!!!! Think i may investigate front prop a little further. It definately coming from the front. I have a hole is drivers side bulkhead, footwell area that im due to repair so noise is more noticeable now i have that cut out.

It is indeed a 300tdi i have and no cat, but its more of a rattle than a drone. But is something else for me to investigate.

Its the toy i have always wanted but nothing but trouble so far. Leaks, rattles and rust!! Wouldnt change it though.
Leaks rattles rust , welcome to the world of land rover

Now that you will be checking front ujs wid handbrake off.....,
Has front diff got oil in and is it clean or gone white and emulsified :-(

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