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Transmission brake 1987 90
My transmission brake has seized on. In the last week the brake has seized on a few times but came off after moving my 90 back and forward. This time it has stayed on and will not come off.

The handbrake cable and linkage appear to be working ok and the problem appears to be inside the drum.

I had started to remove the prop shaft to try and get the drum off but put that plan on hold in the hope some of you folks have some experience of this

Any thoughts?.
i had this problem on mine. with the rod off the cable, give it a tap with a hammer which should shock the adjuster inside the drum and free it off.

my porblems occured after wading in the winter etc. silt and water ingress on the adjuster/actuator cause it to sieze solid. replacement of these may be neccessary. but you cant tell till you get the drum off

I would like to get the drum off but the brake has seized on. I have tried to slacken off the adjuster but it is not moving in either direction and i feel that if I cant release the brakes I won't be able to get the drum off. Anybody had this sort of catch 22 problem?
blat it with a release fluid, put it in low box and try rocking it loose, work a pry bar around it whilst applying yer hammer - if all else fails get a grinder to it as the drum isn't overly expensive to replace
Thanks Sean. I can make it turn by selecting diff-lock & low but it's just turning with the brakes stuck on and the back and forward moving wont make it release. I have used biger and bigger hamers. I took out the cubby box and cover so that I could look at the drum from the top and I tried moving back and forward while I smacked it with the seven pound hammer. No luck!
Had a similar problem recently, squirt the adjuster with a dose of WD and work it a bit, tend to be a bit stiff.

However the problem with mine, was the linkage on the side of the box in the end. Muck and rubbish in the bearing. Take it off and give it a good clean and regrease, much less hassle than trying to remove the drum. And as previously mentioned check the cable.

Have since fitted an X brake, and hoping for no problems, appears to work really well. Makes you wonder why landrover have not done it!

Good Luck.
problem solved! despite all the hammering I was gettin nowhere but when I took off the prop shaft and removed the (slack) drum retaining screws, I started persuading the drum to come off with my 2 pound hammer and bingo! it released. The shoes are badly worn, down to the rivets. so I put it back together and I will avoid using the handbrake until I can get the new shoes fitted.

Thanks to all who offered their help it is much appreciated.
It's a Land Rover...

These things are character, mine does it, so I just plonk her in gear. That's why you have the extending bit on the wheel nut spanner, it doubles up as a handbrake release hammer...

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