
New Member
Hi. I know this is a hard one to identify with words etc but its worth a try.

I have a 2001 4.6 which has over the last couple months had a transmision noise that is getting progresivly worse. Its a whine that is there at any speed over about 10mph and any time under load or not. I know I should expect some noise but this has definately got worse and is now at a level that its anoying.

Is there a common cause of noise or is it best ot put it into a garage to have it looked at? Or if there is anyone who is confident enough to identify it and local to me (Wellington, Somerset) I would be more than happy to provide beer tokens in exchange for a diagnosis.

Cheers in advance.
Bearings in Transfer Box possibly shot??????
Ashcroft Transmission in Dunstable are the boys for a replacement if that is the case.
Get a local dealer or independant to have a listen.
I'll book it into a local place and get them to listen to it I think and go from there.

Is it a big job to replace them and is it best to get a new one or can you get re-con ones?
You can replace them but chances are there is wear elsewhere in the box. A new box will cost a small fortune. Ashcroft Transmissions in the Luton area specialise in rebuilding LR boxes and offer an overhauled box, fitted in half a day and a free loan car to get you around whilst the work is being done. Have a look on their website for prices (Much cheaper than main stealers). I highly reccomend them.

Get it along to Causeway 4x4 - Landrover independants near Bridgwater. Speak to Jon or Clive and they will advise and or sort it

Tel: 01278 683345
Well got there in the end, well nearly anyway. Took it to County Rovers in Taunton who have diagnosed it as the rear diff. It back in there in a couple weeks to be sorted. Its covered by the warranty I bought covers it so it shouldnt cost me anything. :)

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