
New Member
I have a p38 2.5 auto.The car has been great with no indication of any faults until the other morning,the battery was flat so recharged it and then it started fine so i put it into drive and nothing i selcted all the gears but the dash says transfere neutrel,can anybody please help before i have to toe it too a garage and spend daft money.:confused:
i got transfer neutrel when i messed about with the fuses.It would not go in to any gear .I put a fuse in a slot that did not have one and transfer neutral came up .Dont know if this helps.
Look in the fuse box under the drivers seat and check there is no fuse (5A or larger) in no.11 position. See pages 122 and 153 in the owners handbook. This should not be there for normal driving and is only inserted when the car is being towed

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