
New Member
Trailwise is having a clean out and removing people who are not longer paid up to GLASS. While I dont agree with this as I feel it should be open to anyone to help keep them on the right lanes its still going to happen, Some genuine paid up members have been removed so if you are paid up better check if you still use it.

TrailWise - The National Catalogue of Rights of Way
Yes, thanks for the pointer. My membership has indeed been terminated so I have had to get a revalidation code.

Have checked mine and it still worked.

dont know whats going on with yours sniffle. :(
Have checked mine and it still worked.

dont know whats going on with yours sniffle. :(
Spoke to the folks at GLASS, apparently they create these codes that validate your membership, and mine has expired... that's their excuse anyway.

No sign of the new code yet :(
Spoke to the folks at GLASS, apparently they create these codes that validate your membership, and mine has expired... that's their excuse anyway.

No sign of the new code yet :(
Just looked at tw and I could login no problem!
One thing I have noticed lately is they are always asking me to change my password :confused:, seems they have gotten concerned about security for some reason.

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