
New Member
I've got td4 52 plate and was thinking about buying a horse trailer, is it legal to pull a double horse trailer, I;ve been told it isn't much too my annoyance.

Check the plated gross weight of the trailer. Freelander can tow up to 2000Kg. If it's legal to tow with a Volvo estate, which people to (though I doubt legally) then it will be legal to tow with a Freelander.
Check the plated gross weight of the trailer. Freelander can tow up to 2000Kg. If it's legal to tow with a Volvo estate, which people to (though I doubt legally) then it will be legal to tow with a Freelander.
you will find that 2 horses and a trailer will be more than 2 000kg in most cases.

Along with that the Ovlov is way longer and tows better.

Get an old rangie cos with a braked trailer it can be 4000kg:D:D
But using your argument, a Classic is the same wheelbase as a Freelander, but with a far longer rear overhang, so not quite as stable.
I agree that I would expect a 2 horse trailer to be over 2000Kg, but check before making a decision.
Incidentaly, braked at 4000Kg means air braked (or similar) Overrun brakes is 3500Kg
But using your argument, a Classic is the same wheelbase as a Freelander, but with a far longer rear overhang, so not quite as stable.
I agree that I would expect a 2 horse trailer to be over 2000Kg, but check before making a decision.
ya cant start with but:D:D:D:D

What does the trailer plate say? What does the tow car plate say?

You don't want the trailer wagging the car. I once had to get two horses out of a trailer lying on its side. The dividing barrier had gone, but the vertical pole that suported the barrier was still in place, and was stopping the horses getting out. The horses were not happy ....... and neither was I. The hack saw was going in and out between the horses hind legs. And they weren't even my horses nor horse box.

I've got td4 52 plate and was thinking about buying a horse trailer, is it legal to pull a double horse trailer, I;ve been told it isn't much too my annoyance.

The maximum towing weight for a Freelander is 2 tons, a double horse box weighs around 1 ton empty, then you've got 2 horses at something like 600 Kg each (depending on how big the horses are). If you have 2 small ponies (under 500 Kg each) you might just be under your 2 ton limit but you could easily be over it.

You also need to make sure you have the right licence to tow the combined weight of the car, trailer and horses; see this link for info.

It's got fook all to do with the actual weight of the horses. It's the MAM of the trailer that matters and a freelander can only tow a trailer with a MAM of 2000kg. That pretty much rules out most double horse boxes I would have thought. Defenders, discos and rangies can tow 3500kg. It don't take a genius to work out what's required.
It's got fook all to do with the actual weight of the horses. It's the MAM of the trailer that matters and a freelander can only tow a trailer with a MAM of 2000kg. That pretty much rules out most double horse boxes I would have thought. Defenders, discos and rangies can tow 3500kg. It don't take a genius to work out what's required.

Which is exactly what I said in post #2.
It's nice to see that the OP is so interested and grateful for the replies.
Thanks for all the replies, you've just confirmed what I expected that I will have to buy a disco, but that won't be happening for a wee while. Is the freelander 2 an option?, I've heard it is but what do I know.


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