
Afternoon all,

I've just been given all the body work from an old series 111 that the guys use here at work as a teaching aid. The Tub is in immaculate condition, but i have no need for it. However, i do need a trailer.

I can get my hands on an axle and other bits and pieces easily enough so was thinking that maybe i could muster up a trailer based on the rear tub.

Does anyone have experience of doing this, have such a trailer or know someone who has done it? Anyone got any plans to work off, or, just as good, piccies?

If anyone can help out i would grately appreciate it, as i really need a trailer, and this would fit the bill nicely (think it would look cool, too).
i have seen one made using a complete rear from an 88, the chassis was chopped at the front of the tub, and had an a frame welded to it, on the front of that was a military 'NATO' ring hitch the axle had the diff removed and a plate welded over the hole
that sounds just like what i have in mind, alright - only problem is lack of back half of chassis - think i may need to rig something up(frame) to sit the tub on.

Would really like to have springs and shocks on it, rather than just rigidly mounted axle, but my skills (severely lacking in most directions) probably aren't up to that sort of fabrication.

looks like i should be looking for an old chassis, chop it and then add the towing bits.
if its immaculate dnt turn it into a trailer sounds abit silly to me wen ure gonna dent it and fill it with crap
what i would do is.......sell the immaculate tub and with the money buy a knackered series 2 or 3 with an ok rear chassis, chop it up and sell the bits that are worth anything, thats what i was going to do but my landy needs the attention first
Thanks for the advice chaps. just got similiar comments on another forum. Have to agree. I think i'll either try and sell or swap for something suitable - a sankey was suggested as an investment on any money made from selling the tub.

Anyone in ireland got a good condition sankey they want to swap for a tub?
I made mine from the rear 1/2 of an 88 that included the chassis. I expect it's still in Vermont somewhere as I had to sell it when I moved.

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