I agree - absolutely terrible.

My sympathies go to his family.

I'm glad to hear it being called murder and not just theft in almost every news bulletin.

This b:censored:rd must be caught and punished asap.
From the link:

"She added: "This is normally a quiet village with very few crimes.""

That's why the slime go there, soft targets :(

Time for some liberty methinks...
The title says it all.
Thoughts go out to his wife and family left behind too...

Lets hope the police catch up with the scum who did this and take the biggest, heaviest truck they can find and run em down in it...slowly (so its a painful agonising death)
Do you think incidents like these may have something to do with the youth unemployment in the UK at the moment? The riots have been screened all around the world, and from other threads in the "Stolen" section, it sounds as though thefts of Land Rovers are very common, especially in particular areas. Unrest seems to be widespread, and the unemployed are perhaps being driven to crimes such as these.
Do you think incidents like these may have something to do with the youth unemployment in the UK at the moment? The riots have been screened all around the world, and from other threads in the "Stolen" section, it sounds as though thefts of Land Rovers are very common, especially in particular areas. Unrest seems to be widespread, and the unemployed are perhaps being driven to crimes such as these.

are you taking the ****?
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they steal them because their is a market for them if they couldn't sell the parts or the whole vehicle then the thefts would stop.
Do you think incidents like these may have something to do with the youth unemployment in the UK at the moment? The riots have been screened all around the world, and from other threads in the "Stolen" section, it sounds as though thefts of Land Rovers are very common, especially in particular areas. Unrest seems to be widespread, and the unemployed are perhaps being driven to crimes such as these.

Really? Are you for real? Why is it societies fault? Do we deserve to have our vehicles stolen because we work for a living? Maybe you would like to go to the job centre and hand your keys over and save them the trouble of stealing your landy? Personally I think justice system should be a lot tougher and people should take responsibility for their own actions and stop blaming society.
Really? Are you for real? Why is it societies fault? Do we deserve to have our vehicles stolen because we work for a living? Maybe you would like to go to the job centre and hand your keys over and save them the trouble of stealing your landy? Personally I think justice system should be a lot tougher and people should take responsibility for their own actions and stop blaming society.

Got to agree 100% with that
They steal them because they don't want to live like many of the thousands without work who actually want to work. Its much easier for the scum to take from those who can't defend themselves.
Hang the feckers cos they killed the old man.
Do you think incidents like these may have something to do with the youth unemployment in the UK at the moment? The riots have been screened all around the world, and from other threads in the "Stolen" section, it sounds as though thefts of Land Rovers are very common, especially in particular areas. Unrest seems to be widespread, and the unemployed are perhaps being driven to crimes such as these.

DOU!! :doh::doh::doh:
Just to add.
I,m unemployed following an accident and I wouldn,t even think about relieving somebody of their hard earned property.
Its just not cricket is it?:mad:
Just to add.
I,m unemployed following an accident and I wouldn,t even think about relieving somebody of their hard earned property.
Its just not cricket is it?:mad:

Too right mate...

It's the "Johnny stole the car becuase the family was deprived and he was deprived of a dummy when he was a baby" loony type view that really grinds my gears....

analylise this fooka...
Do you think incidents like these may have something to do with the youth unemployment in the UK at the moment? The riots have been screened all around the world, and from other threads in the "Stolen" section, it sounds as though thefts of Land Rovers are very common, especially in particular areas. Unrest seems to be widespread, and the unemployed are perhaps being driven to crimes such as these.

Valid point. It is societies fault, if we beat the crap out of these scum they wouldn't do it again and toe the line of the real workers. Kill repeat offenders and we might solve the unemployment issue too.
Valid point. It is societies fault, if we beat the crap out of these scum they wouldn't do it again and toe the line of the real workers. Kill repeat offenders and we might solve the unemployment issue too.

The only reason this could be societies fault is because the legal system is to soft on these people. I could earn more money stealing and stripping Landys but I don't, why? because morally and legally it's wrong. I make this choice. Just as the thieves make theirs. Nobody is holding a gun to these peoples heads and making them steal. IT'S THEIR CHOICE!!!
its true it is there choice and most people dont steal ,apart from taxes ,but our society does lead us down the road where scum are produced through dumping people on the dole letting them get several generations of never worked people in growing number of households ,most people want a decent job and respect but for decades we have only been bothered about a quick buck mostly for the better off and have forgotten wealth creation should provide long term futures for every body to the point many now dont feel part of soceity ,thats not to say people shouldnt be punished properly , leave families on social security for a generation and this is whats bred,especially in a country where white collar crime isnt punished and wide scale tax evasion takes place ,banks ,very rich ,companies etc. by the way the car theives should be strung up by the balls ,the above is in refference to soceity
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