
Active Member
Today at a T junction with a roundabout i was backed into by a car ,

I was in a line of traffic of about 10 cars the first 5 cars pull away and go . the car that is in front of me pulls away and stops about 15 feet or so in front of me to wich i have also stopped my Discovery . Still keeping about 15 or so feet between us the car in front seems to be rolling back. i look to my back to back up and of course thers somone sitting on my tail . i then honk the cars horn and flash my lights to no avail the car is still rolling back with no brake lights coming on i then knew we are going to have a impact . Bang .. The car had hit me I had earlier noticed that on the top right rear was a hefty dent on the car that had hit me but strangly the bumper had been untouched .

Now im out look at wear out two cars are in contact . no damage to me and a crack to the bumper of the other car .

No Problem i thought , Wrong !

The other driver in very bad broken English begins to say that i had driven into the back of there car and had began to point at all the damage on the car whech had in no way been done by me yelling and screaming . i was almost in shock .
Thank god i had my friend in the car who witnessed it all and i got him to begin to photgraph her the cars and the damage i also waved a policecar
over wha stopped and understood what was going on and also was able to see that no damage had been caused to my car and also to hers from mine .

I was given an incident number and his name and number , Also some advice , To wich i was told dont bother calling your insurance as there hasnt been an accident but if the other driver does make somthing of it with insurance to give the info of the policeman to my insurance .
I wasnt interested when asked to see if she had insurance or a liceance to my disbelif and said its not worth tha paperwork i was speechless .

To that i went on my way .

Should i or should i not call my insurance , seeing that i have no damage is it a waste of time and i shouldnt worry because nothing had happend .
I am only worried of being wrongfully acused by this lady of somthing i didnt do . But i do have a police man willing to be contacted by my insurance should somthing come up .

Regards L
they will probably have no insurance so dont worry too much.
the polices attitude is all too common these days. ive seen it myself. but they can send 3 coppers round to a chap who kept a boys football!
(bbc website news few weeks ago).

i would still call your insurance co and inform them, just in case.

my daughter was involved in a small accident a few months ago. a landy hit her vw golf! she has just received a letter from the landy owners legal team. complete with photos of the scene. one photo shows the junction where he turned right.
the photo also shows a no right turn sign!
dead funneeeee! :)
i wouldn't worry about it. if they contact their ins(if they have any ) you'll find out soon enough. why risk yer no claims if you have no damage..
you were lucky mate. there's a new scam where some one slips infront of you and then slams the anchors on. you go straight up their jaxie an they clain a new motor off your insurance! :mad:
Leon !
go to police station and report it! within 24 hours If you dont report an accident, no matter how minor, you can be done for not reporting it.
never believe anyone that says they wont bother with the police, theres nowt so sure they will be straight round there to report YOU, If they dont report it, thats there problem, and your in the clear.

Ohh bollocks ! just read the rest of it, sorry! ****ed agen:D
most insurance cos insist that you report any accident.
your fault or not.

if its a scam, you can find a whiplash claim, winging its way into your letterbox.
Dont listen to all the crap advice on here, listen to this. I worked for Tesco insurance, part of the direct line group and passed my exams on the proffession.

Firstly, DO NOT report it. There were no injuries and no damage to yours, so theres no need for them to know. If you do, regardless of the facts, you will be considered a higher risk. They say; '' you are more proned to being involved in accidents not caused by you''.

The question asked by all insurers is: ''Have you had any accidents, claims or convictions in the last five years regardless of fault''.

Kinda speaks for itself, insurers are parasites of society, they give nothing productive to the world and when its time to pay out to the poor customer, they practically cut their nuts off to avoid paying. F*ck the insurance companies.

Been there hit before, got a car smashed up by a foreign **** who didn't know what side of the road to drive on.

There was me, my mrs and our 6 month baby in the car at the time (this was 3yrs ago) once the cars had stopped i jumped out of the car absolutley fuming went storming over to him and the next thing i know my mrs jumps in front of me and sends him flying with a right hook!

I got 2 grand in pay out that to the Motor Insures Bureau (MIB) 7 months later!
they practically cut their nuts off to avoid paying.

and thats why you should report it to the insurance co within a certain time. check your policy.
you want them to defend/pay any action, not yourself.
Big thankyou to you all that posted replys , If i were in a pub it would be Beer for all and a few more .

Well seeing as i have no damage done to my car and the Police that was at the incident said that an accident hasnt happend and has also witnesd that the other driver has no injury nor real damage done to her car from mine . So then the Policeman called it in and had aquired an incident number and gave me this number and his name and pc number saying that he would be contactable should this matter go any further . So i do belive that it has in a way been reported and known by the Police that a time and date of this incident has been reported .and that the other driver was clearly upto no good .

As to why he would not go any further in checking her details is anyones guess .
I am Married to an American and Days spent out with my brother inlaw who is a Policeman in Iowa , she would have been given a hundred checks to make sure people are who thay say they are and that all paperwork is in order . That Is basic protection of other drivers and road users from people who drive with no insurance or licence or even disqaulifcation bans to ther name .

Our Police dont seem to be out there doing a protection role . Just a sorta picking up the peices role . I know that they have there hands tied behind there back . But i wish that they did show a bit more enthusiam in small things in life that go into making the big things in life . Ripples become waves .

Ok no more Moaning ,, Cheers to all .

Regards L.

little nay said:
you were lucky mate. there's a new scam where some one slips in front of you and then slams the anchors on. you go straight up their jaxie an they clain a new motor off your insurance! :mad:
I would like to point out to any chav's reading this with a idea to trying this on a Series Landy owner.
1300KG and up
Knobbley off road tires (may still be cross ply)
1950's braking technology
No nice soft bits up front
Landys are high up for a reason and they tend to ride over smaller cars
You may end up with a Landy parked on your head,
But the choice is yours:) :)
As far as I'm aware as long as insurence details are exchanged and there are no injuries to any parties, you are under no obligation to report the accident it to the police. If the other driver appears intoxicated then that would be different but if every knock and bump was reported to the police I imagine they would be even more over worked.
I am a police sergeant.

You have complied with your obligations under Section 170 of the Road Traffic Act. You did this by stopping and providing your name and address and insurance details to the other party/ police. You do not need to report to the police (the 24 hours is an absolute maximum, you should report as soon as possible - going to the pub for instance would not be as soon as possible).

This is all in the Highway Code.

Whether or not you report it to your insurance company may depend on the terms of your insurance. Remember, when you renew you may be asked if you have had any claims or accidents. You have had an accident, if you say "no" you may get the insurance renewed at a lower price than if you said "yes".

This could amount to an offence of obtaining a pecunary advantage by deception - you are causing the insurer to believe that you are a lower risk than you actually are. Having said that, although I have come across cases of obtaining insurance by deception, not in these circumstances where there is only minor damage.

Read your policy very carefully before you act.

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