
New Member
My P38 4.6 is flashing up "Traction Failure" warnings and bleeps - but only occasionally and only when starting or switching off the ignition. No warning appears once the engine is fired up and the car drives normally.

The car has recently had a couple of spells of inactivity, two or three days at most. On one occasion, after one of these idle periods, it required a jump start, and at other times the battery has sounded weak on starting. Could a dud battery be the cause of the "Traction Failure" warning (I've read this is possible) or could there be another reason. Your advice/shared experiences would be appreciated.
I had a P38 that was hardly ever used and had the same warnings..... the battery died and was replaced and I never had the 'traction failure' issue again. Replace your battery, and neither will you in all probability!
I was recently working on & around the battery. Next time I started the car, I got a 'traction failure' message. I looked at this site and was told to re-check battery connections 'etc'. I did this and have never been 'warned' since regarding 'traction failure'. So, I sugest you tighten your terminals, make sure the battery strap is bolted on tightly (the metal thing that stops it moving about) and then see if it is cured. GOOD LUCK.
i would suggest checking battery with a multimter and checking the terminals, these cars throw up some strange warnings when the power is low. if the car is doing it on startup(peak demand) i would think a new battery is in order!

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