
New Member
Got embarrasingly stuck today whilst turning round in a slight up hill frozen feild gate way no sign of any tc light then after getting out and driving another 10 mins or so on snowy icy roads the tc light was on and off all the time this also happend a couple of weeks ago almost getting stuck snowy tarmac lane then after ten mins tc starts working is it a sensor problem or should i be looking at something else? any advice would be welcome. NEVER WANT TO SPEAK TO A SMUG X3 DRIVER AGAIN!!!!
i have a big lever that makes a clunk sound and when it does that i can go anywhere.............. you should get one rather than relying on electricity to do it for you
i ............... hahhahahahahaaha am ....................hehehehehehe.............not :lol: laughing ............
Really it made me look a tw!! today but i would like to keep it just need to sought out lazy tc when it does work it peforms very well

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