
Hi everyone, i took part in the AROC RTV trial today which was great fun until i broke the front drive shaft... I not to bothered about this to be honest as it is a landrover so i expect to spend most of my free time and money repairing it LOL. I have to say i was AMAZED at what the D2 went up/down/through and all in all was pretty impressed. One thing did make me wonder though as my model (2002 TD5) does not have a CDL or the bits in the tranny i was travelling slowly over a cross axle section with no real momentum and i lost all forward movement (not ideal in a trial....) What i wondering is shouldn't the traction control have got me through? Evan after stopping and trying again with bit more power she still just spinned opposing wheels and got no where until i reversed again and took different line keeping 4 wheels in contact. Guess my question is how can i check the traction control is working? I know the hill descent works as i heard some bonging when engaged and going down hills but i didn't hear/see any sign of the traction control activating although being my first trial i wasn't looking at lights on dash as was occupied driving... Any advice on how to check traction control would be great, Thanks Matt
Once you break a driveshaft on a TC-only, it's game over unless you have a CDL that can be activated (as you say, yours doesn't have the innards); all the power will go to that one weak link.

TC needs a little bit of time to sort itself out, especially on a cross-axle. Hold about 1500 rpm and wait. Assuming all 4 brakes are in good order then the TC will get power going to where it's needed.

An easy test is to park one side of the car in a muddy verge, then set off.

When TC activates you should hear "grumbling" noise from the ABS unit (and the TC light should come on - it remains on for about 3 seconds after the TC has done it's job I believe.

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