
Lord Hippo
Following on from me axle twister fred some time ago this chap has gone a little further to demonstrate what a Freelander can do. Pinched from me Freelandering fred in the tratter shorry, second Freelander section.

Watch the spinning wheels as traction control takes over and stops them spinning, so power goes to the wheels with grip.

Don't try this at home (if yer does it int my fault if it all goes wrong).

Make sure yer got the sound on.

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That is pretty impressive.

Has that been lifted, and I see it has quite aggressive tread on its tyres.
I think it's had a 2 inch lift, wheel spacers and biggerer wheels from what I can see (guess). No guard under the engine though which is a big risk.
Wow I would never have the balls to do that very impressed. Two fingers up to all those that say freelanders aren't capable
Ide like a freelander with longer control arms (more travel) almost tempted to make one, as independent is better in theory but lacks the movement you get with beam axle's due to the small arms!
WELL DONE THAT MAN !! Fantastic video.
Please, someone explain what all the cackling is about? Is someone telling jokes out of camera shot? Or maybe it's nervous laughter from those who have always slated the Freelander and are being proved monumentally wrong. Ha ha.............. How many of the spectators who were just dying for the Freelander to fail tried it in their Disco/Defenders afterwards ? Not many I bet as the shame of possible failure after being conquered by a Freelander, AND possibility of video evidence too would never be lived down. Although there must be loads of people who have actually tried and failed over the years.
But I reckon this is one of those videos that will be recalled in pubs across the country with people who never saw it believing it to be stuff of myth and legend as it couldn't possibly be true- especially if being told by a Freelander owner to the Defender crowd.
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I think they were laughing at how close it was to tipping over. You get a strange weightless feeling as if the car doesn't have any weight, when it tips to one side and the body work lifts. That's the feeling you get when rolling it over slowly. He was close to rolling it, but not enough to do so. If he'd have gone faster then it would have probably rolled easily.
Following on from me axle twister fred some time ago this chap has gone a little further to demonstrate what a Freelander can do. Pinched from me Freelandering fred in the tratter shorry, second Freelander section.

Watch the spinning wheels as traction control takes over and stops them spinning, so power goes to the wheels with grip.

Don't try this at home (if yer does it int my fault if it all goes wrong).

Make sure yer got the sound on.

Told the fooker to get rid of it before you saw it:mad::mad:

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