One in each hand even more so...;)

Don't need one in each hand, one strike in the correct place usually releases taper first time. Only time you would need two is if you cannot get directly on end of steering arm. In which case you would hold a 4 lb lump hammer against one side of arm and hit the other side with a 2 lb hammer. Works for everything from small cars to bloody great trucks. I started serving my time in 1962 when ball joint tools were unheard of, and even today you simply don't need them most of the time. The taper drive in splitters are an abortion and should be banned. The other type have their uses on very tight tapers but even they should only be used to apply pressure, the release being done by striking the end of the steering arm. Simply putting one on and tightening it until the taper gives is going to damage something. Specially if you have to reuse the TRE. I would suggest any idiot who uses them in that manner gets himself a good set of dienuts or at least a thread file. :);)

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