So bein as I is an old git and don't have a new license:D if you pass a test now what are the standard codes issued on a license now:confused:
Here's a question. Can someone who recently passed their test tow a larger than 750kg trailer on L plates while suitably supervised? If not, how do you gain the necessary experience to pass the test? My lad is 18 and it would be useful to get him through his trailer test but how is he sposed to learn?
Here's a question. Can someone who recently passed their test tow a larger than 750kg trailer on L plates while suitably supervised? If not, how do you gain the necessary experience to pass the test? My lad is 18 and it would be useful to get him through his trailer test but how is he sposed to learn?
Yes - either through a recognised training course, or parental supervision etc. Obviously, person supervising must hold suitable licence. Training courses vary from 2-5 days depending on existing level of experience etc.
No theory test required, but "general" knowledge of vehicle and trailer will be checked at the start of Test - as will eyesight :D
Here's a question. Can someone who recently passed their test tow a larger than 750kg trailer on L plates while suitably supervised? If not, how do you gain the necessary experience to pass the test? My lad is 18 and it would be useful to get him through his trailer test but how is he sposed to learn?
yep same rules as if you taught him in your motor but you need an extra l plate i think,fron n back of car one on trailer
If you tow a large trailer without +E on your licence, then you don't have a licence to drive the vehicle, so you're not insured? So probly a bad idea.

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