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carl rushton

New Member
How do.

Can anybody advise whose insurance prevails whilst recovering a vehicle with a tow rope.

Reason being, I dragged 2 ladies out of the snow in a small car today - they were stuck on a hill. in the process, the car slipped and scratched the wing on some thorn bushes.

The ladies mother was really greatfull for the support but I suspect the driver intends claiming it was my fault.


i have pulled a few the last few weeks, the first thing i said to them all is, IF you hit me up the arse, i dont care, on the other hand yours will be trashed, and dont look fer simpathy , im helpin you out the ****,, when my brakes light, tap yours lightly,

as for my insurance , it covers me to tow a trailer, SO anything attatched to yer motor becomes a trailer, ? if yer use a towing dolly for moving a motor the back wheels of the car and the fronts on the dolly , its a trailer, so i dunno if they class it as one or not, or is it down to the method its attatched, if it was on a draw bar or towing eye, yer would be ok and in more controll?
Assuming she was still behind the wheel and it was a straight pull, I would say she was still incharge of the car and steering it, therefore responsible for the direction it took. She presumably agreed to be recovered too. IMO that's what common sense would say, unfortunately that doesn't always count for ****!
Assuming she was still behind the wheel and it was a straight pull, I would say she was still incharge of the car and steering it, therefore responsible for the direction it took. She presumably agreed to be recovered too. IMO that's what common sense would say, unfortunately that doesn't always count for ****!

:rolleyes: i,d hope so or i would be more worried about bein done fer nickin her car!
seriously tho, id say if she was "drivin " it, at the time its her problem,
Thanks fr the advice guys.

My stance should her insurers contact me will be the truth in that she was steering and in control of the vehicle, my disco was providing traction nassistance only and was well away from the hedge

One thing is for sure, the disco was not sliding or directing her vehicle at all.

We didnt exchange insurance details but i clocked her copying down my registration.

Thanks again

Hi mate i use to do a bit of recovery for a local firm and when we were ever recovering a car that was off the highway it was always down to the owner of vehicle if it got damaged as we would not except responsibility if it was off road or stuck in mud snow ect.
i work for a and we had to get a fiat out of a ditch the other day and had some bodywork in the way of the tow eye hole, what we do is ask the customer to remove/break/kick it or sign the receipt saying we were giving permission to break it to recover it
i work for a and we had to get a fiat out of a ditch the other day and had some bodywork in the way of the tow eye hole, what we do is ask the customer to remove/break/kick it or sign the receipt saying we were giving permission to break it to recover it

There's a big difference between a proffesional recovery company and a landy owner towing people stuck in snow or on ice.

I have my own insurance that covers me for towing and my landy is also insured on the company policy.
wen a trailer is connected to ur motor its ur responsibility, so it wouldnt suprise me if the insurance companies say its the person pulling that is to blame.
recovery companies often make u sign a disclamer so they arent to blame.

iv always worried about this myself, i only tow ppl i know that are experienced towers
You should be covered, most insurance companys say that your covered aslong as it is not for hire or reward.

As a few people have already said, you wern't in control of their vehicle, you where acting as there engine pulling them out, she was steering/braking her car.
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what about a 4x4 response team? do they have to have insurance? thats what they mainly do is recover cars that normal services cant get to, might be worth contacting your local one to see what they say! just a thought!
what about a 4x4 response team? do they have to have insurance? thats what they mainly do is recover cars that normal services cant get to, might be worth contacting your local one to see what they say! just a thought!

yep most response groups have public liability cover provided by Zurich Insurance services.
I shall wait an see wot happens. To say i shall be a bit Peed off if they try to make a claim against me will be an understatement.

Not sure what my insurers will say.

It makes you feel like not bothering to help anyone at all.

However,if it was my wife and mother stuck 5 miles from the nearest town in a snow storm I would like to think that someone would be good enough to help them.

I don't think my conscience would allow me to drive by and not help someone in this situation. Thus, whatever the outcome I would probably do the same again.
was there any witnesses they can use for insurance?

if not u could say they crashed into u then made up a story sayin u were towin them. hehe, just a thought

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