I am almost ashamed to make this post but nevertheless I need to ask. I have a Disco II which is automatic and I have to tow a biggish 10 ft trailer ( I know the next question will be a weight one and I don't know the answer but it's house contents) to France (obviously using a ferry for the wet bit - not even I am that daft). I know this is a massive 'Lady' question but really I haven't towed anything for a long time and certainly never with an automatic and not sure how to do it. In fact it's such a school run car that the tow hitch has never even been out of the little black bag......... the car has never been used the other little gear thing either (low ratio is it?). I am already going to have to ask the trailer hire man about attaching the towing thing and my dignity will not allow me to also ask how to drive my own car! What I need to know is do I need to use the other gear thing? Do I need to use the other gears apart from D for uphill/downhill stuff ? - I am assuming this is so just using my dodgy logic. Just all rather embarassing to be honest and hoping that someone will be kind, not take the **** too much and let me know how to drive my own car please. My thanks in advance:doh: