
Active Member
I have a 2000 D2 and currently tow a 2.2m wide caravan. We are looking to upgrade and have found some continental 6.4m 2000kg vans that we really fancy. But they are 2.5m wide (the legal limit)
Has/does anyone tow a 2.5m wide trailer and how difficult is it - any issues/problems that you have come across - or it it just pushing the envelope too far?
Find your nearest travellers camp and have a word with them, Most of their Hobby carvans are pretty wide - up to 2.8m. Also buses are around that width and they don't articulate.
You should be ok . I tow a caravan a lot and i also drive a lorry , and the only thing you will have to watch out for with the wider caravan is roads with weight limits on them ie 7.5 ton limits and up , cuz often its not about weight, but width and length on them making them unsuitable for larger vehicles

Its also worth considering where you are going to use a larger caravan as many sites won't except the wider vans . Ring some of the sites you use /thinking of using and ask about pitch size and if they will take the wider ones
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I was driving the D2 today and what worries me is the number of artics that I see broaching the white line - I kept thinking how close to the van they would have been. But I suppose if they see the van coming then they would move over - it's only like two artics meeting isn't it?
Caravan Club gave me a quote for £184 for the year - they seem to do it based on value rather than specific model - so as long as it's legal they seem happy enough.

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