You lucky lucky barstards. I'm reet jellyarse. Hey Flopster you nearly got the Monkeys walk off to a tea.
Eynsford has a bridge next to the ford, so no worries there and Ditton ford might not be possible anyway, reading the article about it. Even if it is, it'll be a case of turn around and drive back through it to get to the bits of lane we want to do.


That's just up the road from HG's place ;)


I know Iver, but is that an achall ford or just some nutter trying t'drown his Landy int' river? :confused:
Hey Mondo how do yer fancy paying them a visit in my 90 when/if it gets back together.
I know Iver, but is that an achall ford or just some nutter trying t'drown his Landy int' river? :confused:

I know where tha is... shall i go ave a look now??! Its a pretty wide ford from what I remember. I dint think theres even a sign sayin 'ford' eever.. Mebbe it is just a river.
I know where tha is... shall i go ave a look now??! Its a pretty wide ford from what I remember. I dint think theres even a sign sayin 'ford' eever.. Mebbe it is just a river.

HB, I know what yer like you cun't jest go an' look! :rolleyes: You'll drown it! :eek:
Why not just bring Mondo's noo truck? Bit more comfy motorway cruisin' in a Td5, even if the lectrics might short out if he wades it across more than a puddle and mean we 'ave to use the Dibnah to recover it :D
Got a day off tomoz... going ter go to me local plummin' shop round the corner and build meself a snorkel anna spud gun... piccies when I've dunnit :)
So, fit a snork, a set of breevahs, a lecky fan, bring sum WD40 and shut yer whinging neck! :rolleyes:

at least if i fitted a snork - i wud make sure it works proper - not just have it fur show! - Look at me - all the kit - all marf and trousiz!!