
New Member
Hi folks

I thought I would let you in on an excellent way to get your leather spotless. It happened by accident when I was cleaning the roof liner of my 2001 DHSE. The previous owner had a dog and the roof liner was a tad dirty so I bought Meguiars carpet cleaner (the pink stuff) and proceeded to spray every inch of the roof. The roof is spotless but I noticed that where it had dripped onto the seats (which were just as dirty as the roof) it left perfectly clean lightstone leather showing through. So I promptly sprayed a bit on a section of my seat and it came up gleaming. Needless to say I have done all the seats with it (2 bottles for the roof and the seats) and the interior is like new.

After all that I thought it would be prudent to go over all the seats with the Meguiars 2 part leather care just to get the oils back in.
I am not a Meguiars sales rep it just happened to be the stuff I used.

I got it from my local Auto-One car parts shop but you should be able to get it in Harlfordsor even try e-bay. Its in a spray bottle and its pink you cant miss it.

You should spray it and then spread it lightly over the seats with a sponge(you will have to use a wee bit more on the first seat with a new dry,clean sponge until the sponge soaks some of it up) leave it for 10 secs and then give it a good scrub with the sponge then finally wipe of all the foam with a dry clean cloth.


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