Not waved at a Disco3. Don't want to confuse the mum driving it and make her drive to Tesco instead of Waitrose by mistake.
I wave at discovery 1s and defenders that aren't obviously firms motors.. get about 1 in 20 wave back.. waved at one the other day it made him jump I think but he made a point of flashing indicators as he went off behind me..

thing about being friendly is it takes 1, it don't matter if the miserable sods don't wave back when the 1 in 20 does it makes you feell like it was worth it..

and erm.. hippos... I only wave if the driver's a fit blonde.
Just been down to the south coast for the weekend all but 2 fenders gave a wave. No discos.

I had to have a quiet word with the girlfriend as she was waving a freelanders :eek:
I have found most farmers don't look impressed when you wave at them for some reason. Females in mainly newer land rovers often look worried when I wave and don't very often return the gesture. I drive about quite a lot in the works Disco 3...not one person has waved back yet - is that not the done thing then?! Series landies always wave back when I am in my Series so yay for them :)

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