
Technician, Bodgit & Scarper Ltd
Full Member
This shouldn't even need to be said but apparently it does.

As we all know, there are a number of specialist tools required on these beasts in order to keep them on the road. The cost of these is prohibitive to most of us so with a little ingenuity, fabrication and occasionally, borrowing (sharing) we get by. I know several members on here that have lent time and or tools to help other members out and that, together with the advice, is what makes this forum so valuable to us all.

And that's what makes it all the more upsetting when someone borrows some tools and then just disappears. **** happens. People end up in hospital; relatives die; parts fail to turn up or are wrong. There are a myriad reasons why the job doesn't go to plan and you need the tools a bit longer but just let the person you borrowed the tools off know. Other members are also looking to borrow tools. If need be they can be picked up and you can have them back for reassembly or when you're ready. But don't just drop off the radar and refuse to answer calls. The layout for these tools isn't cheap and most of us just cannot take the financial hit twice.

This morning I've lent a member my tools because he very generously lent his out to a member who has done a vanishing act leaving him with no tools. he now needs them himself and he's stuffed. It is impacting on him and his mother and that just isn't on.

If you borrow something, give it back. If you need it longer or have other issues, let us know. If other people need the stuff, share. that way we all know where we stand and we're all richer. Otherwise, we'll all lock our stuff up and we'll all be poorer.

As for the member who involved who still has the tools. As far as I'm concerned if they're not returned then they're stolen. Under the Data Protection Act that means all privacy stuff goes straight out the window as this is now a criminal investigation. That means anyone who has any information as to your whereabouts has a duty to disclose all information fully. If your account is linked to an email address then that is linked to an ISP then there's a trail to your door to follow. Same goes for any phone numbers and service providers of that. It is just a case of alerting the police and contacting the companies. it doesn't even need the police to do the contacting, the individual can do that - and should in my opinion. Personally I don't tend to f*ck about when crossed.
Erm, even the police need a warrant to get personal details released by an ISP. You can't just ring up and ask for details. You can't just ring 3 with a mobile number and say "the guy who has this number stole my xyz, give me his address." Because again, they can't just disclose that information to anyone.

But ignoring that, I hate tool thieves, I am very cautious about who I loan out kit to.
Erm, even the police need a warrant to get personal details released by an ISP. You can't just ring up and ask for details. You can't just ring 3 with a mobile number and say "the guy who has this number stole my xyz, give me his address." Because again, they can't just disclose that information to anyone.

But ignoring that, I hate tool thieves, I am very cautious about who I loan out kit to.

That's not what the DPA says or GDPR. The police are not the injured party so maybe they need a warrant to act on their behalf. A crime number will certainly help. Most of this DPA stuff is untested in court and the ICO are a joke so if you push you can pretty much get away with anything.
As far as I'm concerned if they're not returned then they're stolen.
Under the Data Protection Act that means all privacy stuff goes straight out the window as this is now a criminal investigation.

2 wrongs don't make a right.
If you suspect something has been stolen report it

Morally wrong to borrow and not return.
So name and shame in my opinion, if of course there is no genuine reason for the borrower not to return the tools
Hear, Hear! Borrowing and doing a runner is really bad form.
With a Nanocom costing £400+ just for a single vehicle type I am unwilling to "lend" to someone I don't really "know".
Popping round to help and taking it away again is as far as I am willing to go.
Luckily? Its the only specialist LR tool I own.
U don’t need to ring anybody to get an address from an IP address u can find it yourself
Hear, Hear! Borrowing and doing a runner is really bad form.
With a Nanocom costing £400+ just for a single vehicle type I am unwilling to "lend" to someone I don't really "know".
Popping round to help and taking it away again is as far as I am willing to go.
Luckily? Its the only specialist LR tool I own.
Fully agree, lent bro in law, rock breaker and rotary hammer drill/chisel forgot about em, when I eventually remembered who I’d lent em to when I needed em for a project I had to go and fetch em back mi sen, really jacked off to find he’d burnt motor out on drill/chisel, denied all knowledge of course.
He’s now off the list and like you I’ll help do the job but tools come home with me.
I bought a DTI guage with mag base and, it was reduced to clear...........I now know why, it's got marginal magnetic strength. Doh.
tool thieves.png
This shouldn't even need to be said but apparently it does.

As we all know, there are a number of specialist tools required on these beasts in order to keep them on the road. The cost of these is prohibitive to most of us so with a little ingenuity, fabrication and occasionally, borrowing (sharing) we get by. I know several members on here that have lent time and or tools to help other members out and that, together with the advice, is what makes this forum so valuable to us all.

And that's what makes it all the more upsetting when someone borrows some tools and then just disappears. **** happens. People end up in hospital; relatives die; parts fail to turn up or are wrong. There are a myriad reasons why the job doesn't go to plan and you need the tools a bit longer but just let the person you borrowed the tools off know. Other members are also looking to borrow tools. If need be they can be picked up and you can have them back for reassembly or when you're ready. But don't just drop off the radar and refuse to answer calls. The layout for these tools isn't cheap and most of us just cannot take the financial hit twice.

This morning I've lent a member my tools because he very generously lent his out to a member who has done a vanishing act leaving him with no tools. he now needs them himself and he's stuffed. It is impacting on him and his mother and that just isn't on.

If you borrow something, give it back. If you need it longer or have other issues, let us know. If other people need the stuff, share. that way we all know where we stand and we're all richer. Otherwise, we'll all lock our stuff up and we'll all be poorer.

As for the member who involved who still has the tools. As far as I'm concerned if they're not returned then they're stolen. Under the Data Protection Act that means all privacy stuff goes straight out the window as this is now a criminal investigation. That means anyone who has any information as to your whereabouts has a duty to disclose all information fully. If your account is linked to an email address then that is linked to an ISP then there's a trail to your door to follow. Same goes for any phone numbers and service providers of that. It is just a case of alerting the police and contacting the companies. it doesn't even need the police to do the contacting, the individual can do that - and should in my opinion. Personally I don't tend to f*ck about when crossed.
I read a bit of this but get the idea, can you just tell us who has ****ed off with your kit so we can work out who lives nearest and that can do the decent thing and go round their house and get your **** back for you ?
I trust the message here reaches the recalcitrant who has the original set of tools!

FWIW I have a person rule that I don't lend tools, nor will I borrow them (neither a borrower nor a lender be!), but I am happy to 'lend' me with the requisite tool for the job. That way the person in need is assisted by more than just the tool (going the extra mile, and I get to keep an eye on my kit.

I need a long Philips to do my matrix o rings private user

When you do the o rings replace the bolt with a stainless allen head bolt m4 or m5 cant remember but it will make it easier for next time:rolleyes:

and the old one is a pozidive not Phillips.
I trust the message here reaches the recalcitrant who has the original set of tools!

FWIW I have a person rule that I don't lend tools, nor will I borrow them (neither a borrower nor a lender be!), but I am happy to 'lend' me with the requisite tool for the job. That way the person in need is assisted by more than just the tool (going the extra mile, and I get to keep an eye on my kit.

WHAT HE SAID..............
This shouldn't even need to be said but apparently it does.

As we all know, there are a number of specialist tools required on these beasts in order to keep them on the road. The cost of these is prohibitive to most of us so with a little ingenuity, fabrication and occasionally, borrowing (sharing) we get by. I know several members on here that have lent time and or tools to help other members out and that, together with the advice, is what makes this forum so valuable to us all.

And that's what makes it all the more upsetting when someone borrows some tools and then just disappears. **** happens. People end up in hospital; relatives die; parts fail to turn up or are wrong. There are a myriad reasons why the job doesn't go to plan and you need the tools a bit longer but just let the person you borrowed the tools off know. Other members are also looking to borrow tools. If need be they can be picked up and you can have them back for reassembly or when you're ready. But don't just drop off the radar and refuse to answer calls. The layout for these tools isn't cheap and most of us just cannot take the financial hit twice.

This morning I've lent a member my tools because he very generously lent his out to a member who has done a vanishing act leaving him with no tools. he now needs them himself and he's stuffed. It is impacting on him and his mother and that just isn't on.

If you borrow something, give it back. If you need it longer or have other issues, let us know. If other people need the stuff, share. that way we all know where we stand and we're all richer. Otherwise, we'll all lock our stuff up and we'll all be poorer.

As for the member who involved who still has the tools. As far as I'm concerned if they're not returned then they're stolen. Under the Data Protection Act that means all privacy stuff goes straight out the window as this is now a criminal investigation. That means anyone who has any information as to your whereabouts has a duty to disclose all information fully. If your account is linked to an email address then that is linked to an ISP then there's a trail to your door to follow. Same goes for any phone numbers and service providers of that. It is just a case of alerting the police and contacting the companies. it doesn't even need the police to do the contacting, the individual can do that - and should in my opinion. Personally I don't tend to f*ck about when crossed.
I appreciated you helping me out with your nanocom.

I hope the miserly bastard gets what they deserve.

For what it's worth, I have the radius arm bush tools if you need at some point.

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