Those compressors and cannisters of glue are a nightmare!! Maybe fine if just a nail or screw but good for #### all else- got a puncture driving home last month (14 plate zafira) went the boot, attached compressor, glue all over the road as tyre had a 2 inch split. Ended up waiting in car for over an hour for rac with two screaming kids and one moaning wife. And all after 7 hours christmas shopping- was not impressed! If I'd had a spare (even a space saver one) I'd of been on my merry way in about 10 mins. Useless!! Rac guy recons it's all about saving weight for eu emissions!
Rant over, sorry.

yes those compressors and tins of tyre sealant are crap,i bought a space saver wheel for my c max,much better and safer,imho.
yes those compressors and tins of tyre sealant are crap,i bought a space saver wheel for my c max,much better and safer,imho.

always carry a can of jizz, done so for years.
unless you have a split (how do you split a tyre unless your drivings crap)
a normal puncture is inflated and you on your way.
only had to use a can of jizz a few times when I was minicabbing, but times money, and not least getting filthy changing wheels..
my daughters always carry cans of jizz also, again, if its on a major road/motorway, the danger is being stopped on the hard shoulder..
even carry a can of jizz in my scooter as it also runs tubeless tyres, and yes, have used it in the past too.

*important point here*
the cans only work on tubeless tyres, so if your still running tubes,
good workmans gloves are
always carry a can of jizz, done so for years.
unless you have a split (how do you split a tyre unless your drivings crap)
a normal puncture is inflated and you on your way.
only had to use a can of jizz a few times when I was minicabbing, but times money, and not least getting filthy changing wheels..
my daughters always carry cans of jizz also, again, if its on a major road/motorway, the danger is being stopped on the hard shoulder..
even carry a can of jizz in my scooter as it also runs tubeless tyres, and yes, have used it in the past too.

*important point here*
the cans only work on tubeless tyres, so if your still running tubes,
good workmans gloves are

No, no. Nevermind.
always carry a can of jizz, done so for years.
unless you have a split (how do you split a tyre unless your drivings crap)
a normal puncture is inflated and you on your way.
only had to use a can of jizz a few times when I was minicabbing, but times money, and not least getting filthy changing wheels..
my daughters always carry cans of jizz also, again, if its on a major road/motorway, the danger is being stopped on the hard shoulder..
even carry a can of jizz in my scooter as it also runs tubeless tyres, and yes, have used it in the past too.

*important point here*
the cans only work on tubeless tyres, so if your still running tubes,
good workmans gloves are

just personal choice easye.tyres can and do blow big time,so those kits are not much use then,that is why myself and others prefer a spare wheel over the other.
just personal choice easye.tyres can and do blow big time,so those kits are not much use then,that is why myself and others prefer a spare wheel over the other.

agree gems, but the dangers of just where you are when getting a flat tyre over ride the need for "correct" replacement.

I`ve even told my daughters to drive on if safe to do so, rather than get out on a major road and fiddle about with tyres if its in rush hour.
a mile or few further on till a laybye or service station is better than being hit by a lorry at 60 mph..
something that drivers living in the wilds of our countries dont quite understand..

BBC News | UK | Hard shoulder danger warning
agree gems, but the dangers of just where you are when getting a flat tyre over ride the need for "correct" replacement.

I`ve even told my daughters to drive on if safe to do so, rather than get out on a major road and fiddle about with tyres if its in rush hour.
a mile or few further on till a laybye or service station is better than being hit by a lorry at 60 mph..
something that drivers living in the wilds of our countries dont quite understand..

BBC News | UK | Hard shoulder danger warning

if it was that dangerous,i would just drive to where it was safe,if possible.flat tyre or not,then change the wheel,using that snot and compressor is just as dangerous though as you are still in the danger area whilst doing it,but each to there own and whatever you are comfortable with,and doing.
Easye1- what you on about ya muppet- you don't have to be a crap driver to get a split in a tyre hahaha. Also The guy in quick fit told me you've used the glue then that tyre is unrepairable on therefore unusable. I'd be gutted if I only had a nail in middle of a brand new tyre and then told it couldn't be repaired- tyres arnt cheap especially 18 inch low profile. So I stand by what I said " compressor and glue are ****e" hahaha
i use the rubber mushrooms when im in a pickle, I have used the sealant before but its a bit crap.
Easye1- what you on about ya muppet- you don't have to be a crap driver to get a split in a tyre hahaha. Also The guy in quick fit told me you've used the glue then that tyre is unrepairable on therefore unusable. I'd be gutted if I only had a nail in middle of a brand new tyre and then told it couldn't be repaired- tyres arnt cheap especially 18 inch low profile. So I stand by what I said " compressor and glue are ****e" hahaha

ok, are you a girl ??
are you proficiant in changing a wheel ??
are you on a motorway, no stopping zone, or on a major road ??

or, "some" tyre repairers talk ****e, go buy yourself a "temprory" tubless repair kit to get you going then.
I also carry them in my cars,
and my scooter as It dont have a spare wheel.
now, when it comes to muppits nobby, cant see any except just the one...
and I`m not looking in a mirror either :D#

I only have 17inch on my lexus, but are weight & speed rated as per makers handbook,
my disco runs standard size 16inch,
my scooter runs standard 13inch.
all 3 vehicles run tubless tyres.
I`m just fine with that, so if its not to your taste young man,
look the other way....
kwik fit had £1000s out of me over the years on my family card,
its not happening again..:D
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i use the rubber mushrooms when im in a pickle, I have used the sealant before but its a bit crap.

never used them myself, but are available from my supplier of "rubber wear" :rolleyes: for my (and my families) wheels.
always got a stock of new tubless valves for "normal" wheels & old style landie wheels.. (or farm trailors & tractors)...
buy them "strings" for self fix roadside tubless repairs too, there pretty good.
but yes, those mushrooms are a better repair option when your back home.

at 67 years of age, stupidly, I still swop over tyres of smaller sizes,
even doing my disco one once, and that DID nearly kill me....
still think I`m in my 40`s and banger racing, when I needed up to a dozen tyres & tubes that needed changing over each weekend....
Easye1- hahaha calm down mate before you burst a blood vessel! It's all about personal choice. But I'm sure if a vote was had, most people would prefer a spare wheel over a glue can!- that's all I was saying. I called you a muppet for your comment about being a crap driver!
My Rover didn't have the original bottle jack when I got it, so I used a trolly instead. I thought that it was better than nothing, but wished that I had the original. When I got my second Rover it had the original jack still. So I started to use the bottle jack. That lasted exactly once and I went back to the trolly. Much easier to use.
agree gems, but the dangers of just where you are when getting a flat tyre over ride the need for "correct" replacement.

I`ve even told my daughters to drive on if safe to do so, rather than get out on a major road and fiddle about with tyres if its in rush hour.
a mile or few further on till a laybye or service station is better than being hit by a lorry at 60 mph..
something that drivers living in the wilds of our countries dont quite understand..

BBC News | UK | Hard shoulder danger warning

I think you'll find that most of us backward country folk have been on proper roads at one time or another. :rolleyes:
I would recommend a bottle jack bout three to five ton. There not much more expensive and I would also buy a long breaker bar and keep that in the vehicle with a couple of decent blocks of wood, just in case you need to jack it up while parked on grass or somewhere softish.
A lorry had a blowout on the m62 a few years back. Got it into the hard shoulder. Incident response turned up, he walked round to look at the shredded tyre. As he did, the next one to it blew out and killed him. Apparently due to overloading of this tyre after the blow out.

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