
Well-Known Member
Sorry if this isn't the best place to post but I couldn't think of any other. Basically this fuel tank is doing my tits in. Everything's so rusted back there that after hours of work over two days I've got a whole two bolts off! The crossmember is falling to bits with my hammering on the last two rusted bolts so if anyone has a dremel or similar tool, or indeed any good ideas to get this bloody thing off it would be much appreciated. Start my new job on Monday and I need this thing running again by tomorrow at the very latest.
Wish I could help mate, got a dremel and all the bits, but will take a while on the wifes pashley:(
There's just nothing moving them whatsoever. Tried splitting them with a chisel but all it did was chew it up a bit. For something so rusted they're still bloody solid. Only option is to cut them and get the tank off but I've nothing to use besides an angle grinder and there's not enough space to get one in there nor have I anywhere to plug it in
you got new straps and bolts and anything you might need?

is it drivable? if so you are welcome to come here
The tank wouldn't fall out if I was to strap or bolt it up but I've no way of sealing the sender in. Hence why I'm changing it. Though I am considering just bolting/strapping it back up and siliconing the sender in if I really really have to

Graham that's no worries mate. If I'm still stuck tomorrow night and you're free then I wouldn't mind the help
silicon will probably dissolve, some pu stuff might work for a bit

if you get desperate, extend the fuel pipes into the back and into a jerry can of diesel. least it'll keep you on the road.
Lol well I'm hoping this will be sorted by tomorrow. It's only two bolts FFS!!! I just need to get the bloody things off!
why can't you get them off anyway? can you get a socket on them? i think you are just a big :cheer2:
why can't you get them off anyway? can you get a socket on them? i think you are just a big :cheer2:
Lol. They're totally rusted to buggery, to the point where it's just a mess of rusted metal and there's no discernable nut anymore. I've got those irwin sockets for rounded off nuts and even with a size much smaller than the nut itself there's nothing for it to grab onto. I was hoping I could just shear it off with a chisel but it's still not moving. An oxy torch to heat it up and then whack it with a chisel might help but I don't have once of those.
Lol. They're totally rusted to buggery, to the point where it's just a mess of rusted metal and there's no discernable nut anymore. I've got those irwin sockets for rounded off nuts and even with a size much smaller than the nut itself there's nothing for it to grab onto. I was hoping I could just shear it off with a chisel but it's still not moving. An oxy torch to heat it up and then whack it with a chisel might help but I don't have once of those.

yeah.. and like fuel tank!

ah well, if you get really stuck, do the jerry can trick, down to mine and i'll help get it off. got the gear... with a bit of an idea :D
Have you tried chiselling/filing each side face of the nut to kind of reshape it? Worked for me a few times.
Yup tried that. For something so rusted it doesn't wanna break. There's nothing to get a socket on so cutting or shearing them is the only way to get them off
see you scoffed at my idea of bodging a jerry can on there ;)

when you were using the chisel were you lining it up down one side of the thread on the stud? or through the middle (cos that will be alot harder!) you need to just crack off the pressure on the thread then it should essentially fall off (not trying to teach you to suck eggs of course)

access to that sort of area doesnt help

Take a picture of the offending nuts and post it up so we can see where you are and if there is another solution perhaps?
see you scoffed at my idea of bodging a jerry can on there ;)

when you were using the chisel were you lining it up down one side of the thread on the stud? or through the middle (cos that will be alot harder!) you need to just crack off the pressure on the thread then it should essentially fall off (not trying to teach you to suck eggs of course)

access to that sort of area doesnt help

Take a picture of the offending nuts and post it up so we can see where you are and if there is another solution perhaps?
There's no nuts left mate lol its just a rusted mess. Honestly I tried the other two with a chisel and they wouldn't move that way, it just took brute force and a lot of leverage but those ones weren't so bad. It's the two at the crossmember that are totally gone. It's supposed to be a 17mm nut but all that's left is a mess of rust and bolt that a 12mm socket will just spin round on. If I could cut if off I could drop the tank and get the rest out later but I'm having no luck at all :(. I'm going to see if i can squeeze my big bolt cutters in there and if not I'll need to try and find a way to use my angle grinder

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