
Active Member
Hi guys,

I'm six feet tall and struggle with the height of the series windscreen. I have to duck to see under the top on normal series 'deluxe' seats. Has anyone found a way round this problem but still retaining a series windscreen?

A few of us have the same problem, it was the most irritating thing about mine when I first got it, well, the terrible steering and wayward brakes were really but once I'd fixed them it was the windscreen. I looked at changing the seats but didn't want to ruin it's originality, I even thought about making a lower seat box but that was a bit too ambitious for me. Eventually, I found that I just got used to it so give it time.

A few of us have the same problem, it was the most irritating thing about mine when I first got it, well, the terrible steering and wayward brakes were really but once I'd fixed them it was the windscreen. I looked at changing the seats but didn't want to ruin it's originality, I even thought about making a lower seat box but that was a bit too ambitious for me. Eventually, I found that I just got used to it so give it time.

Yeah, i used to drive a series landrover every day 20 years ago but been posh since then with a 110. Probably didnt get a bad back 20 years ago.
Seat rails are what I used in the 110. This allowed the seat move further back giving an extra couple of inches leg stretch.
If you know a friendly upholsterer, maybe they could make you a thinner seat base. The worst bit for me is pulling up at traffic lights and then not being able to see them. I tend to drop back a bit now to get a better view of them.

Thinner firmer seat base, replacing the wood base with metal would gain you 3/8" to 1/2", the foam another 1/2" to 1" and if you dished the metal base and seat back to use the space between the rails that could be worth 3/8". Lower you head 1", is that enough to see? If so its doable. Appearently its "easy"...:

I'd want to see how many ended up in the scrap bin.
Hi there
I am six foot four and drive a Series 3 with de luxe seats. I removed the sun visors and now I have no problem with seeing through the windscreen. I assume you've done this? Otherwise, I guess you'll need a thinner seat base. Good luck.
Just wait u TIL you have been driving it for 6months and two thing will have happened. First you will he used to it as mentioned above. And second the seat will have worn in and not be as think anymore dropping you down some of the height you need!
Hi there
I am six foot four and drive a Series 3 with de luxe seats. I removed the sun visors and now I have no problem with seeing through the windscreen. I assume you've done this? Otherwise, I guess you'll need a thinner seat base. Good luck.
Yep. Same ere.
I work on the principal; how much do you want to drive it.

Nothings put me off enough yet :D

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