
Active Member
My electric gauge to show charge has now seemed to be creeping into the red. It has now sent my split charge display system on my dsash into a frenzy as it is bleeping its head off saying that there is overcharge. I guess my question is can this damage anything and why could I be getting to much electrictricity? and how do I rectify this?
Im no electronic guru, but generally speaking, gauges going into the red and frantic beeping sounds generally dont indicate that everything is running smoothly :D
alternator built in regulator gone haywire delivering too much current?

Get it checked at a garage (most will do for free)
tis your alternator, its goosed, maybe only the rectifier but get it checked or changed asap, dual battery and split charge= dual cost of replacing batteries and possibly fecked split charger.

get it checked
Thanks for the help guys, I called the dealer as it was a new alternator fitted only a couple of weeks ago. The altrernator is goosed apperentlyand a new one will be fitted tomorrow.

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