
New Member
Hi everyone , please can you help me on my way with this problem , my 200 tdi 1991 Disco has massive clutch travel on the foot pedal , it engages at about 5mm from the floor !! a nightmare to drive but I've got used to it a bit but obviously not right as my wife wont drive it . Its been like this since I've owned it ( 3 mths ) . Sometimes its hard to select gears as I dont feel its fully engageing , It doesnt slip at all but I need to press the pedal to the floor and make sure the foot carpet is clear not to take up valuable travel room !! When the clutch pedal is fully to the floor the slave cylinder doesnt seem to creep or moveback at all so this seems ok.The pedal 'feel' seems ok as if there is pressure there but as I say nothing happens until 5mm from the floor . Thank you in advance for any suggestions .
int the pedal on a spring?? so its always gonna return up top. have yer checked fluid level???
any sign of leaking from the cylinders? if there aint any leaking then next thing i would do is to change the fluid and bleed it up again.

providing you have checked your clutch it sounds like you need to either replace or bleed the slave cylinder bleed it first and if problem persists just replace the slave cylinder they are cheap about£20 and simple to replace.

Thank you both , I will replace the slave cylinder on w/end and bleed the system , I will let you know how I got off , many thanks .
we dont wanna know how you "get off" thanks :rolleyes: but if yer wanna tell us how yer "got on" then i am sure we love to hear :p
I had this problem and you can put it right in less than five mins.
get your head down in the fotwell and look up the pedal. Where the pushrod connects to the pedal you will see a bolt, undo it and if you rotate it you will see the pedal height rise and lower as the bolt is i think they call 'concentric'?
When the pedal is at it's highest point tighten the nut.
Hope this helps.
you can try unbolting the slave cylinder and give your rod a wiggle.... clutch forks are known to wear through to point of failure.

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