eric appla

New Member
Hi everybody,
let me shortly introduce myself. I have filled bits and bobs in the biography but lets get the ball rolling here as well.

I was born in Czech Republic and i moved to UK about 5 years ago. I come from family where nobody ever had car, neither my parents nor myself and neither any of my siblings. That is probably quite unusual for somebody who just registered here :)

Reason I'm here is very simple, I need a car and old Defender Series is just something I always dreamed of and i want to get one.
One of the reasons why defender is, that where I live, we only have unmade road and in winter, the only car capable of making it up the road is either Landy or my neighbor's trusty John Deer tractor.

I spent quite some time reading and researching to see if this will be car for me and since i am quite skilled when it comes to mechanics and hydraulics, I believe I'll be able to look after one of these the way they deserve, as long as i get to know people who have the most important thing which is a practical knowledge.

I'm not planning to do a lot of miles on it as I'll be mostly using it locally but two three times a year I may take it for a journey to Devon and Cornwall which is about 200 miles give or take one way.

Given the above and the research i did so far, it seams like Series IIa or early series III 2.25 petrol with overdrive (to be able to do the longer journey once in a while) is a best fit for me, but I am very new to the subject and happy to take advice from experienced Landy owners

I hope this is enough for introduction and I'll post to respective sub forums for more specific advice.
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:welcome2: Nice to see a proper intro :)

Strap on a robust sense of humour and join in the fun

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