
New Member
I have recently payed our local garage to waxoil the under side of my series III.
I have had a look but noticed that there are parts that just can't be reached and so have been left.
If these are going to be exposed anyway is there any point in waxoiling the rest?

Also i have been thinking of buying some STONE CHIP PRIMER to patch up the parts that expose themselves after time, would this work, and has anybody else used it??
Some protection is better than no protection, but, if you're really bothered buy a galv. chassis and transfer your landie over.
That said, if you can see parts which they've missed surely you can get some paint / wax oil there? You can get waxoil in a spray can with a straw which helps.
just take it back - if you can see areas they have missed - then so should they. Point them out and say "do the job propper". Or trading standards if they play up.
with the right spray gun and attachments all parts are accessible, They may be awkward but if they have missed bits you can see then ask yourself the question, have they even bothered with inside the chassis????. TAKE IT BACK.
I just get underneath and paint it on now and again.
Is there a shore fire way of doing the cavities without a compressor and gun?

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