
New Member
Please can anyone help? I am about to trade in my beloved mgtf for a Freelander (due to the addition of a second large dog) but am very confused as to the differences in the engines. I am looking at a new style (2004 onward). My main problem is going from a car that pulls away quickly to what is perceived as a "tank" and I dont want to miss my acceleration too much. I know I will have to compromise because a Freelander would not be able to compete with a sports car, but are there any Freelanders that are "slugs" and any that are considered better? I cant afford the top of the range models..
its a dream to drive , mines a td4 auto ,sure its no power rocket,but like yourself ive driven fast cars re/chipped tuned to the hilt hard suspension,well the td4 is non of that, what you do get is a motor that you cruise with,sit in real comfort and roll round corners, but when the going gets tough they come into a different class , and speed bumps , just little rucks in the road , test drive a few , you know its the right move. . .
The Td4 is a very good reliable engine, not super quick but not to bad (COMPAIRED TO MY DEFENDER HAHA) why not try the V6 version?
Is the TD4 that much better than a normal engine? I will have to downsize to a 3 dr if it is, and make the dogs clamber over the seat to the back seat. I wouldnt have a clue how to tune the engine though. Does this affect the insurance much? Is it cheap to do? Do Landrover garages do it or would I have to go somewhere else?
Td4 engine is the best bet. Its best mix of performance and economy anyways. I find it has plenty of power for around town although it can start to run out of breathe when on the motorways once you go beyond the speed limit, altho i never do that ofcourse. Ive heard reports that they are meant to be unreliable aswell but so far mine has had nothing go wrong. well the turbo acts up a bit but that could just be my car. on the whole tho its a really good solid car.

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