The end is nigh... Mrs C has decided that it's time for an ultimatum.
I bought the LSE last year with the idea of doing the couple of mechanical bits on it then giving it a full tart up and keeping it forever... low and behold the predictions of my wife have come true and i've not spent anywhere near enough time driving it or done a lot to it... I've got three kids!
So she has given me the choice of...
a) Sell the LSE and bank the cash. (Likely pay something off and never see it again)
b) Sell the LSE and buy a Defender 110 that we can all fit in.
I love the dear old thing and it's in such good nick, i also really hate the hassle of selling cars... what to do?
I bought the LSE last year with the idea of doing the couple of mechanical bits on it then giving it a full tart up and keeping it forever... low and behold the predictions of my wife have come true and i've not spent anywhere near enough time driving it or done a lot to it... I've got three kids!
So she has given me the choice of...
a) Sell the LSE and bank the cash. (Likely pay something off and never see it again)
b) Sell the LSE and buy a Defender 110 that we can all fit in.
I love the dear old thing and it's in such good nick, i also really hate the hassle of selling cars... what to do?