Basically you pressurise the cylinder with an airline, shut the airline off and then measure the drop in pressure over a period of time - 5-10% is good, over 30% bad! The advantage is that you can also get an idea when you do that of where it is leaking from - e.g. hissing from exhaust manifold = dodgy sealing ex valve which may mean valve train issues, bad seats blowing by etc etc.

Lots on the internet about it - not sure what the exact figures on the RV8 are.
Not sure that's justified but thanks Sam. All just bits I've picked up along the way.

Engine out on Cobra today - now that's scary!
Sounds good. Will pop up and see it one weekend.

er yer are stu,



s' nice int it :)
yeah its nice :) have emptied it out to dry it up a bit, reversed it in to that shed and there its staying till new year,
then its off to the shot blasters , too much other work on for the mo really, startin me bathroom in 2 week as well hahaha,

oh and i freed me tractor up, just waitin for head gasket ......... too many projects, not enough time like always
yeah its nice :) have emptied it out to dry it up a bit, reversed it in to that shed and there its staying till new year,
then its off to the shot blasters , too much other work on for the mo really, startin me bathroom in 2 week as well hahaha,

oh and i freed me tractor up, just waitin for head gasket ......... too many projects, not enough time like always

Thats good, Got some kit that would fit your tratter when you have finished it, will keep it to one side when we sort it. Need to fit a new clutch in the 135 and bucket of paint and she should be running!! Decking out my new workshop soon, just got to cull 25 pigeons that keep crapping over everything :violent:
yeah , if yer find any goodies for the old fergy put them to one side, cheers mate,
yeah them pesky woodies are crappin over everythin in my yard at the mo too, i can see a nice pie :D yeah have all the arse end hydraulics workin now, brakes to drop back on, head to do and wire it up , will be nice tratter when its done :)

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