
New Member
Hello my name is Graham, the title really explains why I am here, I have been a biker for many years and in that time have crashed :eek: on two occasions both may I add were caused by third parties, but the last one resulted in a broken leg! and 16 weeks of pain and grief so I need to take a new direction as I no longer bounce so well.

My opening question is I have a budget of 8k so can I ask which Defender to go for is it a 300 or a TD5, as I say very new to all this so any advise is most welcome.............thanks.
Get a Td5. Others will say don't because of the electronics, but don't listern to them.there are plenty of threads on here regarding td5 V 300tdi, if you can get the search function to cooperate.
Welcome by the way.
Hi graham and welcome
I too was I biker but at 52 I decided it was time for a change, I've had a few lands but I'm on my first defender, mines a 200 tdi so I could not advice on the other engines but I had a TD5 disco and I thought the engine was great.
Hello and welcome
Plenty of landys in your 8k budget ,take your time to look at an test drive and crawl underneath before and after ,look at the usual stuff engine, chassis,bulkhead :)
Just to add to the confusion.........

That kind of money would buy, and modify, a very nice discovery. Pretty much as capable as a defender off road but a damn sight more comfortable and practical as a day to day road vehicle. Just my 2p's worth :D
Just to add to the confusion.........

That kind of money would buy, and modify, a very nice discovery. Pretty much as capable as a defender off road but a damn sight more comfortable and practical as a day to day road vehicle. Just my 2p's worth :D

That's as maybe, but he wants a defender.
That's as maybe, but he wants a defender.

True, but that may be because no one has yet pointed out the obvious superiority of the Disco to him yet ;)

They rot quicker and break down at least as often as a Defender but are more comfortable to sit in whilst awaiting recovery :D

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