
New Member
Hi people
Had my disco 2 v8. 2003 modle checked because of oil light staying on after fireing her up.Could'nt fine any problem---- after 3 days the same problem is back. But I have another question to you v8 lovers. At the same time I had the oil changed ,3-4 days later I gave in to the feeling that she did'nt seem right,abit noisier,maybe she smells of oil? Lifted the bonit and found the filer cap was not screwed on,and on dipping the oil it showed about 4cm.above the full mark on the dip stick.Phoned meck/mate and took the **** abit,and he assured me that no damage is done. OK. Couple of wks.later I 'm parked on a friends driveway,mines dark gravelle,when I came out after acouple of hrs.theres a nice little puddle of oil on the drive way.Found that the oil filter was loose,and oil had spread around doing its thing --- maybe it's joined 'the great rust fight":).So washed motor and then checked oil leavell ---- the same 4cm.above full mark on dipstick.The filter has stopped leaking but know I have a leak,which seems to come from top/front of motor,but still I've got 3.5 to 4 cm.over the top on the distick.Can the engine be damaged by having to much oil??
Regards Mike.
Any engine over filled will cause issues!
Start by draining off the excess clean the engine then look for leaks
which clowns changed your oil? doesnt sound like whoever it was could even get the simplest job right. no personal offence if you did it but come on!
Hi Guys
Thanks for your replies.Well I used to change the oil and filter my self,as with the other L.R.s I've had,and let this mec./friend do the rest,but due to age and health probs.I've had to stop.It's abit awkward as this job went through his work place,where he started about 6months ago. He just says it's no problem for the engine. As he's worked on L.R. V8's for about 20 yrs. I thought it best to here what the experts say before I talk to him again
Regards Mike
leaky filter and leaving the filler cap off and massivly overfilled- I would say yeah, problem! sorry to sound arsey but ****e mechanics abound and they really **** me off!
As already said changing the oil and filter is about the easiest job you will find on a disco,the fact that your man can't even get this right means its time to find someone that can.
High people Back in may 2012 I told The story about to much oil in my v8, well it turns out that the work shop oil pump was having a bad day,so in we go & change the oil again. Did'nt drive for about 3 wks.after the oil change,so dipped it before fireing up.would you belive it--58mm.over the full mark on the dip-stick.So changed oil my self & meassured how much oil I had to take out to get back to The full mark,the result being 3ltrs.--possibly more the first time round.??
So to cut a long story short---I have changed oil & filter
Mek/mate has changed rocker cover gaskets,cleaned all parts,changed sparkpluggs & as she was running ruff he has changed both lumbda censors.
But she still runs ruff.-- From tick-over she can shoot up to around 3000 rpm or down to 10 or stop.On the dash board I've got some pretty lights--hdc-sls-ace-mil.On the L.R.comp.the only fault was that The battery was abit low,so charged it up before trying again,but no better.So any ideas people? Regards Mike.:confused:
Hi Trax
Checked the oil this morning,hard to say,it seems OK,checked for any loose cables etc,found none.
Regards Mike
Ok, so just clarify with this oil thing, how much oil are you putting in after a change?

Are you taking the sump plug out of sucking out of the dipstick tube??
Hi noisy
Oil level is 1mm.over the full mark on dipstick.I changed the oil the last time & used The drain plug.
1mm? how do you tell, it'll pick oil up on the sides of the tube and is the ground totally level?

I think you are being a lil ott now :D

drive around for a bit and check again, sniff it to make sure it's only oil. repeat forever. :D
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Hi Trax.
What is a lil ott? Should I be worried ?�� I understand what your saying,I've been changing engine oil & filters since I was 16, 62 now so I have changed a few -----tractors,mobilcranes,boats, cars & L.R.s. Where I live The snow melted a bit before Christmas & the last 3wks its been below -10'c so its abit like drive off road on ice around here.As I found out last saturday driving a Disco2 auto on ice with engine like it is,is not smart. Anyway mate thanks for your input.
Regards Mike
beg to differ

will/can blow oil seals,can be burnt,will cause excesive fuel consuption (crank splashing around in it) etc..
Hi. James &Zen thanks for your comments. I emptied oil into 1ltr bottles through The sump plug ending up with just over 3ltrs.Started the engine up,stopped it & checked it the next day,the oil level was on the 'F' of full,I checked it again later that day-the same.My meck/mate said the same as you James,adding --"no more than 0.6 ltr."He was way off the mark.To me 3ltrs.seems alot,but I think that he forgot to empty the old oil before putting in the new,we can all make mistakes---but for some its hard to admitt it.So maybe I drove about 260 klm.with double the amount of oil needed ????? On the L.R. Comp. every thing reads OK- compression in all chambers ok--but she don't run even & those lights are on.
Regards Mike .
PS. Send our bloody snow back ��.We usually have snow on the ground for at least 4mths.but with the temp changes we've had so far we are driving mostly on ice.
The disco being dead we've had to use our Freelander 1 all time and it really is a good winter car,so have in The snow.
So maybe I drove about 260 klm.with double the amount of oil needed ?????

Christ!! Thats unbelievable! Im surprised it ran for as long as it did! I'd take it to another garage, and give your mate the bill for a full set of gaskets at the very least! I make sure mine is 1mm under the max mark. Its not really something you can discuss, too much oil will #### it straight away.
Hi. James &Zen thanks for your comments. I emptied oil into 1ltr bottles through The sump plug ending up with just over 3ltrs.Started the engine up,stopped it & checked it the next day,the oil level was on the 'F' of full,I checked it again later that day-the same.My meck/mate said the same as you James,adding --"no more than 0.6 ltr."He was way off the mark.To me 3ltrs.seems alot,but I think that he forgot to empty the old oil before putting in the new,we can all make mistakes---but for some its hard to admitt it.So maybe I drove about 260 klm.with double the amount of oil needed ????? On the L.R. Comp. every thing reads OK- compression in all chambers ok--but she don't run even & those lights are on.
Regards Mike .
PS. Send our bloody snow back ��.We usually have snow on the ground for at least 4mths.but with the temp changes we've had so far we are driving mostly on ice.
The disco being dead we've had to use our Freelander 1 all time and it really is a good winter car,so have in The snow.
it is a lot and seems more so ,bit i doubt its hurt it ,oil level is normally only about half a sump full ,what lights

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