
Active Member
I have a 110 van that is currently on axle stands in the open, as it has been for about 18 months while I have fixed leaks, sought out and tackled rust, coated chassis and other vulnerable parts inside and out with various oils and generally got it up together.

I have given it to my daughter who has no use for it at the moment and I am storing it until she does.

I notice the roof is turning green with algae, as are some of the panel joins etc, and my usual tactic is to give it a good wash and cover with a thick layer of wax but I was wondering whether you can recommend a cover that is a good moisture barrier and will offer protection. My experiences with tarps and boats make me wary and, like rust prevention, I realise there is no fire and forget solution.

I do start it up regularly but was thinking of removing the battery should I cover it. If I do, how frequently should I reconnect and run the engine?

Anyway, any advice you might give will be much appreciated.
In my expreince covers can become greenhouses. Can you put a gazebo over it? If you start it it needs to run long enough to evaporate the condensation in the oil, that's a up to a good running temp - perhaps 30 mins. If you run for a short time you are just adding more condensation. That's different to turning it over - which does help. Bring the battery in somethere warm and dry. I like to leave some ventillation - either a window 1/4" open or one of the vents open, to stop condensation inside but it depends on where you park
In my expreince covers can become greenhouses. Can you put a gazebo over it? If you start it it needs to run long enough to evaporate the condensation in the oil, that's a up to a good running temp - perhaps 30 mins. If you run for a short time you are just adding more condensation. That's different to turning it over - which does help. Bring the battery in somethere warm and dry. I like to leave some ventillation - either a window 1/4" open or one of the vents open, to stop condensation inside but it depends on where you park
Spray whole car with patio magic and ignore.
Just make a point of cleaning the leaves/moss out of any drain channels.

Ultimately leaving a car standing does it no good at all.

Any cover could make it a haven for wildfife.
I also know someone who put a cover over a very nice car fr a couple of months only to find the wind flapping it had made it wear right through the paint on one corner.
@Corfewoodsman , if this helps I'd recommend a drive-in tent rather than a cover. I have both for the Landy, a low cost Halfords XXL cover jobby that comes with under body security cable...once fitted correctly and cabled up it does not move, even in the strongest of wind conditions...nor do these sweat, they are very free air flowing. I keep the Landy in one of these professional type tents, 6.2m[l] x 3.3m]w] x 2.5m[h], they're very good and incredibly tough. No sweating, good airflow, easy access, totally water/weatherproof and both ends are removeable. During the current refurbishment it's been turned into a mini-workshop and I've ran power and workshop LED tube lighting fixed to the upper horizontal rails. For flooring I've laid multiple layers of 1200dpm that roll up and is fixed the sides providing a 100% damp proof base, with thick chipboard on top. It's a superb tent, bone dry and gives added/hidden security. They're much more expensive than the cheapo white/grey Chinese jobbies...but worth every penny. Shop around and they can be found heavily discounted ;)

this is the tent under assembly to give an idea of space

Spray whole car with patio magic and ignore.
Just make a point of cleaning the leaves/moss out of any drain channels.

Ultimately leaving a car standing does it no good at all.

Any cover could make it a haven for wildfife.

Thanks lynall,

Hadn't thought of that one. That way I can continue to run the engine regularly.
@Corfewoodsman , if this helps I'd recommend a drive-in tent rather than a cover. I have both for the Landy, a low cost Halfords XXL cover jobby that comes with under body security cable...once fitted correctly and cabled up it does not move, even in the strongest of wind conditions...nor do these sweat, they are very free air flowing. I keep the Landy in one of these professional type tents, 6.2m[l] x 3.3m]w] x 2.5m[h], they're very good and incredibly tough. No sweating, good airflow, easy access, totally water/weatherproof and both ends are removeable. During the current refurbishment it's been turned into a mini-workshop and I've ran power and workshop LED tube lighting fixed to the upper horizontal rails. For flooring I've laid multiple layers of 1200dpm that roll up and is fixed the sides providing a 100% damp proof base, with thick chipboard on top. It's a superb tent, bone dry and gives added/hidden security. They're much more expensive than the cheapo white/grey Chinese jobbies...but worth every penny. Shop around and they can be found heavily discounted ;)

this is the tent under assembly to give an idea of space

View attachment 224083

That's a great set up you have there mr V8250,
What I can see of your vehicle looks spot on. Are you posting a record of your refurb?
Thanks for your guidance.
You’d be far better off taxing it and using it, cars hate sitting unused unless in a nice warm garage. Running the engine while stationary will not really get it up to temperature and obviously won’t do anything for the transmission and running gear.

But if you can keep the weather off it will help. Just make sure the tent is well secured!
You’d be far better off taxing it and using it, cars hate sitting unused unless in a nice warm garage. Running the engine while stationary will not really get it up to temperature and obviously won’t do anything for the transmission and running gear.

But if you can keep the weather off it will help. Just make sure the tent is well secured!

Good advice Retro.
Was going to use it last summer but the virus got in the way.
Shame to see it sitting there ready to go, but going nowhere.
Perhaps post jab I might return to normality and will take it out next summer but am currently confined to base on pain of death.
Poor thing has spent very little time undercover and rarer still in a warm garage but looks pretty good for it!
Thanks again.

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