
New Member
Whilst my hardtop is off for the summer I'm going to re-spray it so it doesn't look quite so tatty. My father in law. Lifelong collector of classic MGs thinks I should spray the hard top silver and respray the wheels from black to silver to match. The purist in me thinks I should return both to Limestone so as not to deter potential purist buyers.

Question is though is a purest really going to buy my tatty 40 year old 109 truck cab when 10K will bag a supposed better than it left the factory re-built one?

So to bling or not to bling that is the question...:cool:
Your father in law is clearly a chav. Ignore his ridiculous ideas and paint it proper LR colours. Or better still leave it alone.
Do whatever you want your land rover to look like. If you like your dads suggestion, then go for it. The next buyer can always repaint it.
I would say follow your heart on this one, but whatever you do don't smear the roof in underseal to stop the leaks it's a right B***H!! to remove

Personally, I would always go for the motors original colours on any motor.
Silver wheels and hardtop on a series sounds like a really bad idea. I think you should do it limestone.
I'm doing mine Gulf colours. I don't think it really matters so long as you like what you've chosen and you do a good job. Not too keen on the silver roof idea, but if you like that, then go for it. Dads can have some funny ideas. I used to have a midget years ago, and my lovely dad paid for a respray for her when I was away in France. The problem was, I really really really wanted it black, but I got a completely different colour. I couldn't be an ungrateful bitch about it as it was a present and it did look lovely when I got home.
Yep its your choice.
My personal opinion though is that landys dont suit any kind of bling, esp series ones.
silver roof is gonna look BAD
only bit of silver on a landy is the trim around the top of the tub, tilt frame and screen
all very slim parts so not to much
think of the reflection off those corner curves blinding people
no not a good idea
i go with painting it the same color as the rest of the beast thats how most of them where when new
Thanks everyone for your input. Gulf colours?? Must be one of a kind. I'll probably do the safe, boring thing and go with Limestone :)
silver roof and black body all hammerite thats wot im doin when the weather gets better just to be different ..... put your own mark on it

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