Daft thought

Is it set to track mode or mionitor mode?

trackerxxxxxx and should reply with tracker ok!

resetxxxxxx is the master reset command
i have the TK102 and have the manual with me at work (just in case i get bored), and it says:

Movement Alert.
Set up : when the unit stays immobile in a place for 2-10 minutes with GPS signal reception, the user can send SMS "move+password+space+0200" to the tracker

It then says that 0200 means 200 meters.

to cancel send nomove+password

you could try the cancel move one then wait 10 mins and try to set it again?

Now that's a thought if the OP is moving from inside to powering up in the Landy and the immediately going for a drive. Must confess I'd forgotten that

Power it up in the Landy. Do the 'check' or phone and hang up test to make sure all working. Leave 15 mins then send the move command and make sure 'move OK' has come back. Leave 15 mins and then go for a drive to test
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I have it hooked up to a power supply in here but with the battery switch on. When I disconnect the power supply, the unit remains on - it does not switch off as the battery takes over.

I have reset it just now, re-added the master number so will give it all a go again. I'll do as above just to do how you say...

*running to car to put in window*
Ok, it's in the car, clear view to heaven. I have phoned it, it replied with the correct location. I have also sent the tracker+password command and it replied with tracker ok. I'll leave it 10 more minutes and send a move+password 0200 command. Then wait a further 15 minutes and go for a drive!

Thanks guys, we'll get there one way i'm sure...
Well I think the reset worked. The move alert came though when I drove home. Should it keep texting me? As I only got the one.

Thank you both, a real help :)
it should keep sending every 3 minutes, and you need to cancel SMS nomove+password, not sure why only one was sent?
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Brilliant you got a move alert

Yes it should keep sending alerts roughly every 3 mins until you cancel it using the 'nomovexxxxxx' password

Don't think there are any customisable commands to stop it just keeping sending, so only think that might be impacting is strength of mobile signal

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