
New Member
does anyone know when the next tixover event is or how i can get more info on the site cheers
yer its good shout if ya goin 90 boy,i aint been anyothers tho ,smallish but plenty packed in there.
i no how to get there its not far from me just wondered when it was next on- how much is it and there is also supposed to be something out billesdon/skeffington any ideas on that?
£25,its at tixover , rutland .think you will come from leicester way 90 boy , so leave leicester on a47 heading towards peterborough, just before tixover village STILL on the A47 look for a byeway on your left with " UNSUITABLE FOR MOTOR VEHICELS" sign drive down here till end of track turn right ,its 200 yrds on ya left carnt miss it.
lyf is billesdon in lincs?
no billesdon is just off the a47 i just remember reading on a website that there was something arond there
def goin on the 31st any chance could meet up with someone on the way there as im still not sure how to get there
If you are going to be coming in via A1 Peterborough, then you can always tag along with us. about 10 am

i might be going but i have a problem a caliper bolt has snapped and my caliper wiggles about inside the wheel you still goin gas
yes mate hopefully send me your number and il ring you see if you wantr to meet up first
im off in 20mins hopefully c u there, look for the sighn on left unsuitable for motor vehicals , before u get to tixover roundabout , down there till end off track turn right carnt miss it ,im white 90 blue stripes
so who went today then i was in my black three door rangey classic with orange chassis lasted bout an hour then brake caliper snapped ita bolts and ended at the bottom of the wheel also ripping my braded line to peices. nice lol
this might b a couple of pics of tixover


you carnt see how steep hills r tho.

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