
Active Member
It appears that so many people are going from hardtop to tilts and I was just trying to find out why.
My Series 2 is a tilt and I am thinking about going to a hardtop as I wanted a secure loading area plus if it has windows I can use it to take rubbish to the tip but is there a good reason to stay with a tilt apart from they look better and are warmer?
This applies to defenders and series hence why I posted here.

Thanks for any sensible answers in advance.
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are you saying your local tip wont let you in coz with no windows they say its a van?

if so thats outrages

Also do the sides of your tilt roll and tie, look cool and may get you in the tip
That's about it, no windows it's a van, roll up the sides and it's a pick up either way they class it as a commercial vehicle and will not let you tip without getting permits.
Why not just apply for a permit, they are usually free.
It's to stop trade waste being dumped for free, all you probably need is proof the landys registered in your name, insured for private use not commercial, and maybe a utility bill as proof you live in the area.
Look on your local council website.
my local tip lets me in with my soft top, sides up or down. They come over and look at it every time i do though, but then they do that with most people
my local tip lets me in with my soft top, sides up or down. They come over and look at it every time i do though, but then they do that with most people

Me too. As soon as they see that there is no separation between the cab and the back they let it go. Also it has seats in the back...
Apart from the local tip, permits etc..
Tilt pros are looking good and warmer.
Hardtop pros safer and easier to add seats.
What are the other pros & cons?
Sorry to bang on but everyone seems to want a tilt and mine already is one so trying to find out why and what is so wrong with a hardtop (apart from above)
the only way to tell is to live with it, get a hard top and keep the tilt for if you want to swop back

Tilts look ace but it all depends were you park at night for me

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