I changed the pollen filter about 6 months ago.
Don't really use the recirc.... Don't use the AC much either.

I think there must be water lying somewhere. I'll torx remove the screws in the rear cubby in the boot if thats the thing you guys are talking about. (the thing that holds the toolbox and requires the ignition key to access it) and see if there's any water under there.

Hope I don't have my wires crossed.
I was meaning that you should try the AC switched on at the same time as full heat to the windscreen.

Many people don't know it comes on automatically (without even the warning light on the switch coming on) when you select demist with any fan speed.

Check your AC is working properly.
If yours is little used you may find that it needs the gas topping up.

I use mine almost every day even in the depth of winter to dry the air.

Lots of people treat AC as air cooling only and forget it's air conditioning.
My 04 hardback is terrible for condensation, the back windows will always steam up, but only when moving..
My air con doesnt seem to work, i had it regassed about 18 months ago and used it regularly but it still seems to have lost its gas.
The boot carpet though is dry, i spilt water in the back during the summer so i removed the 4 panals and rear seats and let the carpet dry in the sunlight for several hours.

About to change the pollon filter but do the hardback seals have a history of going? Ive had the roof off about 8 times in nearly 3 years as its an arse to do.
Ok reading this, the condensation could be loads of things. Mine takes about 5 mins to clear and the left side clears faster than the right and I dont have any moisture in the rear cubby hole so Im thinking about the pollen filter but not sure where it is. Mines a 2000 1.8 petrol basic without aircon or even hdc. Ive had a look and cant seem to find where the pollen filter is on mine. Not sure why the left side clears faster than the right though.
Check these threads for info on pollen filter and it's location. You'll perhaps be surprised. :eek:



My advice would be to change it - or at least take a look at it - I change mine every 2 years and it comes out black - and I mean BLACK - sometimes with leaves, dead wasps and insects, tree and plant seeds - anything at all that can enter the vents. :mad:

I wouldn't like any of that crap coming into the cabin, so I would not advice doing away with the filter, or modifying it as some peeps have done. :(

You should find that your de-misting is much quicker after a filter change. :)

Don't go near a main dealer to get one - they are easily and cheaply found on eBay. :D
Condensation is all to do with the amount of humidity in the air. As we breath and sweat we are giving out large amounts of moisture into the air.While the car air temperature is warm the moisture is suspended but as soon as the car cools to a certain temperature the air cannot keep the moisture suspended any longer[dew point] and it condenses on the coldest surface ,turning back to liquid. Try keeping the windows slightly open for the last part of journey to allow dryer air in and moist air out. Some hygroscopic crystals [like they sell for caravans ] under the seat might help but keep an eye on how much water they collect.
hi one of the ways to stop windows misting is to clean them with washing up liquid do not use hardly an water nearly neat and just buff them lightly also another trick which I am going to try is when you buy somthing electrical with the little bags of miosture collecter in put them in you car at the bottom of the windscreen hope this helps
hi one of the ways to stop windows misting is to clean them with washing up liquid do not use hardly an water nearly neat and just buff them lightly also another trick which I am going to try is when you buy somthing electrical with the little bags of miosture collecter in put them in you car at the bottom of the windscreen hope this helps

Those little bags are hygroscopic salts.Dont just put them on the bottom of windscreen as they will dissolve when saturated any make a right gooey mess ;)
An old thread, but I found a new (I think) video worth checking out (see below).

In this already damp weather, I am at the point I can't drive mine safely now, the condensation on the screen is un-shiftable.

Anyhoo, I checked the rear tool box cubby hole and found it has around an inch of pooled water on the left hand side. No matter how much I dry it out with towels and a heater, it fills back up in wet weather.

But my Tailgate door seals look good, so I was puzzled.

But check this out, are we checking this for our rear leaks?

In my disco. I keep one of those condensation plastic boxes full of crystals works great for me. Just remember to change or empty the water regularly
The you tube video is handy. Does yours have a sunroof?
I had an old Mondeo that suffered with condensation, it turned out to be the plastic membranes under the door cards were coming away and allowing moisture in. Once resealed the problem went away.
the second or third post was spot on, switch the heaters off and open a window before you park up for the evening
I too have this condensation issue, and have had with all my old cars. I have a large quantitiy of silica gel [20kg or so] I recharge batches in the oven for three hours, and leave about 2kg in the inside and change it every week. This worked a treat on all my other cars, but the Freelander, and now I've seen that video, I am a bit shocked at the build quality this implies ! Don't forget that a big problem with mist in the car is those pesky humans breathing out all that moist air onto cold windows, and having a super-efficient diesel engine that takes an ages to warm up doesn't help either. My 2p worth.

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