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want to tint the rear side windows of my 90.
is this considered chavvy, and if not how much does it normally cost?
It's chavvy on a Corsa, although why a Corsa would have defender windows, I don't know. On a 90 it looks like you're hiding your guns :D. You can buy rolls on ebay, it'll be easy enough to put on a SW.
you can buy it from motor factors , but unless your cross with a octopuss its a ball ache, and will look a total balls up, av a ride round a few tint shops theirs plenty about ,
get a landy with van sides :p hah. yeah i rekon it would look fine. can do it yourself the rolls of stuff arent expensive, but frankies right, it's difficult to do by yourself.
Spray the sticky side of the film with very watered down washing up liquid, not much but enough to cover it. Get it on perfectly with no bubbles, with a bit of patience and a spunge to smoov it with, then you is gonna look gangsta, aye!
want to tint the rear side windows of my 90.
is this considered chavvy, and if not how much does it normally cost?

I reckon you should get your granny to crochet some nice nets for the back. :rolleyes:
Window tinting looks crap. It only works when all windows are done but on this glorious isle its illegal.

Get van sides if your bothered.
i have been quite tempted with this idea also. like the fact that it keeps your vehicle a bit more private inside, especially if you have guns in the car. ( no im not talking mach 10's and uzi's)
nothing wrong with the old mac 10,,, blik windows stop local scumbags looking at whats in ya motor , an if they get close enough to peer in ,, their in the danger zone !!!
:) hi ya... i paid about £220 for all me windows on me freelander, i think it was the average price...looks good to :)
Buy a hard top and a gun cabinet . But dont store your guns in there overnight keep them in your house.
i've got purple rear windy tint's on me doosil series 3, only on the two small rear windy's tho, the back door is regular non-purple tint.........

....... foook nose why someone wanted purple windy tints i dont know!! :D
mine already had half the rear windows done before i bought it,( the navy did it),am plannin gettin the other half done, as ya cant see in unless right up next to them. plus if dogs are in the back they wont get cooked by the sun....... not that the sun is oot often up here :)
put that limo black on all of mine, i never lock it when iam out and about so gives my dog a chance to use his jaws if anyone fancys wondering what the windows are hiding :D has happened twice so far, so funny walking back to my landy seeing some scrot hanging out of the drivers door by his savaged arm :rolleyes:
youll be fine doing the tints, the stuff in motorfactors, halfords, motorworld is crap, you get can the real deal cheaper on ebay, much easier application, use a bit of heat on round edges and curves, loads of soapy water to rid the bubles, best hint of all is not to stretch it cause thats gonna cause creases, you could prob do the whole rear tub and back door with one roll for about 11 quid. it cost me 22 quid to do the disco.

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