Michael Hunt

New Member
I've got a pair of sliding windows series doors on my 90 and I'm think of tinting the windows on them, DVLA says that the front windows have to let 70% of light through so I'm probably going to go for 25% because of the imperfections in glass will stop some light.

The question is, as the two parts slide over each other does that then make it a 50% tint and there for going to get a tug from the old bill?
Not sure I'd want tint on a series but each to their own! I am not a legal expert but would imagine the overlap doesn't count as the window is open at that point
It's a 90 not a series, the series doors were put on to give a bit more leg room, so not a chavvy as ruining an actual series with tints.
Still pretty chavvy! :D

On the upside, there aren't many traffic police around now, and they don't know much about old vehicles, so you are unlikely to get a problem unless you are in a serious accident.
The question is. Why do you want to tint the windows? Someone tinted the windows on my p38 before I got it. Bloody horrible to drive at night with them.
Still pretty chavvy! :D

On the upside, there aren't many traffic police around now, and they don't know much about old vehicles, so you are unlikely to get a problem unless you are in a serious accident.
Still pretty chavvy! :D

On the upside, there aren't many traffic police around now, and they don't know much about old vehicles, so you are unlikely to get a problem unless you are in a serious accident.
Yeah I suppose it's a bit chavvy, this is my first Landy Project but old habits die hard I guess.

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