"Ain't it illegal to do the front ones?"

Only if it doesn't meet this specification

•Front Windscreen - 25% tint
•Drivers window and front passengers window - 30% tint
•All other windows - Unlimited
it only illegal if you tint out all windows ie front ones ive got all back windows tinted ie boot side windows but not front windows ie drivers / passagers windows on both my cars and ive never been pulled for them and my landy looks so sexy blacked out
Ain't it illegal to do the front ones?

I used the spray-on stuff once on a back window - it wasn't very dark but looked OK until someone decided to wipe the condensation off it and scratched it badly.

So long as the glass is clean and dry I think gloss paint would do a fine job. Possibly even something like bath enamel? Almost anything would tend to scratch though if misused.

It would be interesting to know what LR use on the Commercial windows. Perhaps a paint process is baked onto the glass!
just something to note: A lot of automotive glass has a very slight tint maybe 2-3%, to check simply open your window half way and see if you can see a difference in looking at say a white wall through the glass and just directly out of the open part, it should be quite noticable.

So for instance if your front windows are already 3% from factory, adding a further 30% tint will result in them actually being 33% and actually illegal if the plod check em with one of those meter thingies. I learnt that from a copper. Not a lot of people know that.
"Ain't it illegal to do the front ones?"

Only if it doesn't meet this specification

•Front Windscreen - 25% tint
•Drivers window and front passengers window - 30% tint
•All other windows - Unlimited

Are you sure that's the limits? Seem to remember that they're a lot lower than that. Visually speaking, the tints allowed at the front of any car are not really worth the bother.
Are you sure that's the limits? Seem to remember that they're a lot lower than that. Visually speaking, the tints allowed at the front of any car are not really worth the bother.

Nope, it's of no interest to me but out of curiosty I just did a web search and then cut and past :)
surely tinting the windows is counterproductive to the goals of dogging????
You are right, come to think of it (er - should I have typed that?). It'd be OK if you left the lights on - in fact on the TD5 they won't go off - you have to take the bulbs out...
i cant remember the actual limits but when doing my old beemer i phoned up my local plod shop and asked to speak to a traffic cop, i said "since you guys are gonna be the ones that pull me the most and i seem to get varying answers when i ask people what do you say the limits are for tinting" he told me to get on the phone to DEMONTWEEKS (chavvy pimp company) as they tint windows and are very clued up with tinting and the law. Apparently they can get you a certificate that you can keep in your motor that says what % tint you have.

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