
Active Member
Have traced a slow leak to the water aperture bit of the timing cover. i.e the timing cover housing which bolts to the block, has 3 1x 3mm bolts which go through water pump, cover and into block. These three bolts were perhaps not as tight as could be and have tweaked them up. Only leaked when cold so hoping this will have sorted it.
It seems that to renew this gasket then all timing sprockets, belt injection pump has to come off, which I don't really fancy!

thinking of adding some Radweld type stuff just to help before I go the whole hog, and see what happens. Anyone recommend a product??
Thanks Aaron,
Thing not clear to me is do I need the "Keeper" plate tool on the fuel pump that Haynes refer to. Have done timing belt before and am OK with that. Timed pump whilst on the machine also, but never had timing belt and pump off at same time before!
I've no idea what the keeper plate tool is or does.

So obviously I never used one. I just pinned the pump. You've done the belt before so you'll have done this before.
Then it's just 3x13mm nuts on the back of the injection pump to timing chest.
I pinned and left in situ as timing chest pulls forward.
You will have to remove pin to remove the sprocket (It will move when you take it out) I just put it straight back in until I was ready to put the sprocket back on

The 3 nuts I mentioned bolt it to the timing chest so need removing leave the bracket on the block and it'll stay where it is.

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