
New Member
Finally getting round to doing this after the "Another one overheating" saga. Can anyone tell me ,as I am a bit of a novice on this, should I use a gasket sealer when changing the old one for the new. I have got the waterpump off , drained all the oil and removed the filter, ready to drop the sump and start undoing the cover itself. Would appreciate any advice. I have marked off the distributer and think I have got TDC on the pulley. Haynes man a little confusing, but I think I am right in saying the pointer should be on the marks on the pulley. Please feel free and laugh and point if I am being a dullard.
Sounds like you're on your way. To remove the timing case you need to remove the crank pulley - can be a bit of so and so getting it undone/done up again. Do a search you'll get some pointers.

Next, be careful undoing and tightening the bolts on the timing case, the threads can be a bit fragile. There are a couple of bolts that are difficult to see, make sure you have removed all of them, I think the worst one is tucked away just above the oil pump somewhere.

Apart from that quite easy really.
cheers. More grazed knuckles then. What about a sealant for the gasket? PS Noticed you are in Dunstable. Do you know Jo Edwards in Leighton Buzzard. Runs a Landrover repair garage there?
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A thin smear of Blue Hylomar on each side of the gasket, but you must wait for the solvent to evaporate before assembling it back together.
Wouldnt argue on that one. I used to use him when my 110 broke etc. Always straight with you. Good to hear he still is knocking about.
Not yet. Been fitting it around the kids, wife, dogs, and work. As I said earlier bit of a novice so i am very slow. Just about to take the pulley off, but havn't got the right size socket. Fortunately I have a very patient neighbour who seems to have everything you might ever need. Stressing about making sure the thing is TDC but I think I have got it right. U got a V8 then?
U got a V8 then?

Oh yeah!! I have a 1991 3.9 RRC. It took me 12 months to get the thing to run properly and in the time I have had it I have replaced head gaskets (twice:doh:), stripped and rebuilt the ignition system, injection system, replaced the suspension bushes, replaced all the brake pipes, repaired all sorts of other minor irritations, learned to weld so I can patch the tin worm, made a snorkel, fitted a light bar and so the list goes on. For as much as the V8 can be frustrating I do love it (well just a bit), if nothing else you can't beat the noise butI just wish petrol was 5p a litre!
yer reet trewey mate, hylomar blue is the stuff i use, but only on one side, put grease on the other , then if yer want to remove it later on ( the next day when yer realise thers somethin suspicious left on the bench that belongs inside) then yer can take it on and off as much as yer want with out breaking / ripping the gaskit , thats how rolls royce teach there fitters to assemble engines, ;)

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