anyone know of good garage near hexham or Newcastle upon tyne who do series 3 diesel timing chain replacements at a descent price, done my napper :mad2: in with timing/fuelling problems over last few months, I'm running out of steam so if I havnt sorted it out by mid march its probably time to leave it to the pro's
I'd be grateful for any suggestions
I am from the Midlands so can not help with garage. How are you setting the timing chain timing? It must be done with a dial gauge attached to number 1 exhaust rocker, you need the "EP" mark on the flywheel aligned with the timing pointer with number 1 exhaust fully open. chalk the camshaft sprocket and mark pencil lines lined up to a wire pointer. Then do a check with the dial gauge reading say 0.25mm and pencil the position on the sprocket turn the engine so the gauge reads 0.25 past the pointer the other side of first marks and pencil to the pointer. A bit of a faff but it ensures you are in the correct position on the cam, they can be 4 degrees out.
Do you have access to a timing tool to then set the timing pointer for the pump.
"Snailer" on OLLR forum will hire his to you. Fit the timing tool with the flywheel set to correct degrees for your engine (Around 13 degrees) turn the tool clockwise to take up any slack and set the pointer.
Once running you may still have to move the pump 1mm at a time to tweak the timing.
All of the above assumes no previous owner has messed with the skew gear!
Next after all that make sure all injectors are set to 130/135 bar. James Martin is the guru who will most likely correct my ramblings if my memory is failing.
I would think you may struggle to find a garage to do this job correctly these days...but good luck.

I was thinking of getting my chain done, at landranger services in longton, anyone got a rough guess what a reasonable price is to get professionals to do it?
Thanks ben
Cheviot on the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate (0191 257 4444) will be able to sort you out.

Whereabouts are you, as the Newcastle area seems to cover from Durham up to Berwick!

PM if you want further details.
thanks old seadog forgot about cheviot going to have a go at cleaning my injector pump out as not sure if its timing or fuelling problem (or air) whatever it is its driving me nuts all else fails will get cheviot a go ta
What are the symptoms you're getting? Maybe if you say what they are someone here will be able to guide you on the best path to take :)
hi divie thanks for your advice I'm going to try and flush injector pump out first and injectors to be honest not sure if its fuelling or timing or combination of both or air getting into the system (white smoke diesel smell with an occasional small puff smoke slight uneven running. bought an injector pump off fleabay described as a good un am going to swop and fingers xd got to get her going been off the road for months want to get her sorted for april as she's having her first tax free birthday
thanks again for your time
White smoke and slightly rough running sounds like the pump timing needs advancing a bit (Was doing this on my 2.5 until I adjusted the timing on the injector pump slightly)
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small puff and uneven running.. sticky injector?

mine would stick until warmed up.
Begining to sound more like timing and injector troubles, they can be a bastard when the timing chains goosed though. Advance the pump 1mm at a time (turn clockwise, be sure to slacken the injector pipes first otherwise they will crack) Keep trying until you get the dreaded "Diesel Knock" then turn it back a bit. You may still have to sort the injectors either get them refurbed or new ones at £30ish. they are ****part at that price though.
The occasional puff of smoke, a few thoughts. Most likely a dodgy injector. The head gasket could be blowing across a pushrod area, this will give crankcase pressure as well. People do not remove the injectors to re torque the heads after gasket changes.
Final though a dodgy hot spot in the head, I had one giving the odd miss/puff but ran well then the bloody thing broke up and did untold damage, very rare this happens though.
well bugger looks like problem is solved in as much as the engine seemed to be running better with a new (secondhand pump) at least until it suddenly stopped! looks like ive lost compression big style * no clattering when It stopped just stopped, maybe its thrown a ring which would account for the smoke (it wasn't an oily blue thought probably over fuelling) maybe the diesel stripped the bores of oil and let go of the dodgy rings. whizzing over on starter with little resistance either way back to square one
well bugger looks like problem is solved in as much as the engine seemed to be running better with a new (secondhand pump) at least until it suddenly stopped! looks like ive lost compression big style * no clattering when It stopped just stopped, maybe its thrown a ring which would account for the smoke (it wasn't an oily blue thought probably over fuelling) maybe the diesel stripped the bores of oil and let go of the dodgy rings. whizzing over on starter with little resistance either way back to square one

oh dear, take lots of pics when you strip it and post them up :)
Pull the head off and have a look before you take the engine out, it may save you some work. I made a couple of brackets out of heavy angle iron to bolt on to the top of the block to lift the engine without the head on. Let us know what you find.
your a friendly bunch and I appreciate the feedback ta. I took a deep breath went back out to have a better look (must admit I slammed the lid and walked away) so the rocker cover came off and Ive got no lift on the valves/pushrods, when the engines turned over no grinding or clanking. am half way through taking the timing cover off expecting to find a broken chain or at worst a knackered camshaft / sprocket/tensioner
You will need a dial gauge to reset number one exhaust fully open when EP mark on flywheel is in position. If it is your first go at setting a timing chain without the luxury of making marks on strip down, put the kettle on. It takes a good few cups of tea and looking at to get it right.
aye and cant see marks on flywheel its a 5mb engine heard some don't have one on, its got a groove on the flywheel housing and same on flywheel but no degree marks on pics ive seen the 13btc mark sits right on the left hand side of the groove ?
Providing that you do not remove the camshaft sprocket , trial and error will get it re timed. However if the chain was that knackered that it let go what state are the sprockets in ? With the injectors out you can turn the camshaft and watch number one exhaust rocker for full lift . A starting handle will be handy to do final checks when it is all back together. Now you know why I said they can be a bastard to get right when the timing chain is goosed ! Try and buy a decent chain I have no faith in the £5 Britpart jobs.

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